Culture Articles

No Increased Risk of Divorce, so Living Together Must Be Okay

USA Today fails to look at other ways cohabitation damages people and relationships.

ABC Covers Medical Marvels Extended to the Unborn

World News with Charles Gibson highlights the tiniest, most fragile of patients imaginable – unborn babies.

Judges Favor the Profane

In effect, the court said that because the Enforcement Bureau of the FCC has been a steady, ongoing farce of decency protection for thirty years, it must always and forever remain a joke.

Living and Dying with Character and Integrity

Professor Randy Pausch, whose 'Last Lecture' made him a YouTube phenomenon loses his battle with cancer.

ABC's The View Plays Kissyface with Katy Perry

The ladies ask some hard questions of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but gush over the lesbian-experimenting pop star.

Media Big Guns Fire Away at Military's Gay Ban

CMI Director Robert Knight exposes the medias outright advocacy of open homosexuality in the military, and rebuts one columnists vicious personal attack on an expert who supports the gay ban.

Listen to Those Lyrics

CMI research assistant Colleen Raezler goes beyond the beats and melodies to examine the messages of todays most popular songs.

A Lady Under Fire

A Washington Post columnist claims a supporter of the ban on gays in the military exhibited rage in Congressional testimony -- but The Hill reveals that the rage was on the other side.

WaPo Snickers as Sacrilegious Show Comes to D.C.

Even as a Catholic group protests the premiere of Jerry Springer: The Opera, The Washington Post raises little concern over the show's content.

Courts Can't Cope with COPA

The Third Circuit strikes down Congress's attempt to protect children from online porn by requiring smut site visitors to provide adult ID.

CW's Gossip Girl Takes No Prisoners in New Ad Campaign

Network pokes fun at concerned parents, boasts that culture watchers are condemning the ads.

WaPo Whacks McCain's Wife, Grandfather

Articles emphasize Cindy McCain's drug addiction rather than her accomplishments, describe grandfather as a gambler and bootlegger.

Court Punts Super Bowl Indecency Ruling Back to FCC

All the FCC needs to do is inform broadcasters that fleeting images of nudity constitute actionable indecency, and it intends to enforce the rules.

A Guide to the Movie Galaxy

Dr. Thomas Hibbs finds a silver lining in Hollywood's dark cloud of despair.

ABC, CBS Spotlight Suffering Illegal Immigrants

Both networks provide rare favorable reports about churches—churches that offer sanctuary to the 'undocumented' in acts of nonviolent civil disobedience.

Blue Summer

Hollywood is peddling sex like crazy this season even though the sexualization of our culture is exacting a fearsome toll, especially on young girls.

ABC's Stossel Sees No Evil in Sexually 'Liberated' Culture

The 20/20 host suggests that society may even benefit from sexual libertinism, but his articles don't give both sides of the story.

ABC's The View Gets Hot and Heavy

Barbara Walters and her fellow panel members on waded knee-deep into sex this week, moving from porn to vibrators to S&M Barbie.

DC Flouts Supreme Court on Guns, as Washington Post Advised

Progressive values trump Constitutional rights in certain journalistic circles.

'Bi-Curious' Summer

Hollywood calculates how to profit from pushing the envelope.

WaPo Slams U.S. Census Bureau for Upholding Federal Marriage Law

Same-sex marriages will not count as marriages in the 2010 census, in accordance with the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. The Post report quotes three people who oppose the decision but only one ...

Media Obituaries Expose Political Bias

Why did the media treat Tony Snow so much more respectfully than Jesse Helms and Jerry Falwell?

American Teens Heavily Involved in Sex, Alcohol, Drugs, Smoking

Adolescents commonly engage in self-destructive, character-damaging behavior.

Seventeen Mag Assumes Teen Sex, Ignores Morality

The latest issue encourages teen girls to insist on condoms, and never explains why it's right to just say no.

Washington Post Tells Kids Homosexuality Is Fine

Article cites pro-homosexual groups, but includes no opposing views or information about health risks associated with the lifestyle.

NBC's Today Promotes Nude Vacations

Co-anchor Kathie Lee Gifford offers a novel take on what constitutes a family vacation.

Catfighting 'Uber-Divas' Get a Reality Show

N Network's Queen Bees features mean girls in need of a personality makeover -- and makes poor character the focus of entertainment.

Top Pop Hit Goes from Bad to Worse

The old #1 song verged on pornography. The new #1 song is even more offensive.

Hollywood's Teen Sexploitation

The entertainment industry cashes in on teen pregnancy, at great cost to society.

The Early Show Normalizes Illegitimate Births

CBS's Lara Spencer announced with equal exuberance new births to celebrities in and out of wedlock.