Culture Articles

'The Sky Is Not Falling' – Yet

Get used to hearing this term in the coming weeks, as the media interview pro-homosexual spokesmen about same-sex marriage in California.

Battlefield 'Habeas Corpus'

The Supreme Court's decision granting rights to enemy combatants will make life for our soldiers much tougher. For the enemy, combat may become even deadlier.

CBS Lauds Latest Jolie-Pitt Pregnancy

Early Show message: you don't need to be married to raise a family.

Courage in Face of Deadly Tornado Spawns Rare Positive Coverage of Boy Scouts

Will the media apply the lessons the Iowa Scouts have taught them to the beleaguered Scouts in Philadelphia?

Disrobing His 'Honor'

Judge Alex Kozinski should consider resigning from the bench.

Nightline Attacks DOJ Official Emphasizing Character in Fight against Juvenile Delinquency

ABC's Brian Ross follows up a disgruntled employee's accusation of cronyism, waste, fraud, abuse by gratuitously identifying the alleged culprit as 'a former prosecutor and devout born-again ...

Media 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' about Key Ruling

Court's affirmation of military policy goes unreported even by AP, which instead exhorts Democrats to rescind ban on homosexuality.

ACLU Targets Heartland, Sets Off CMI's Grinch-o-Meter

UPI seems ecstatic about the news.

New CMI Special Report: 'Unmasking the Myths Behind the Fairness Doctrine'

America doesn't need the government to regulate political speech on the airwaves. Politicians need more respect for the First Amendment.

Los Angeles Times Misses Max Hardcore's Obscenity Conviction

Hometown paper yawns as a jury cracks down on a prominent pornographer.

ABC's Nightline Guest Advocates 'Taking Risks' with Kids' Internet Safety

Reporter Nick Watt does not discuss the harm children can suffer when allowed to surf the Internet without tight parental supervision.

Pregnant 'Man' Photos Make Morning Shows Squeamish

ABC, NBC use she, he and it to describe Thomas Beatie.

Nightmare on Prom Street

Since when do principals ask their students not to simulate anal sex in public dances?

Teen Sex Is Up? Blame Abstinence

ABC's Good Morning America and NPR point the usual finger, while Washington Post provides more balance.

Media Hype CBS Wife-Swapping TV Series Swingtown

The press is praising the show's artistic qualities and ignoring the social costs of broadcasting sexually explicit content and promoting sex outside of marriage.

Shielding Obama with the Power of Ridicule

How do you protect your candidate from a dangerous revelation? Attack the messenger.

California Voters to Decide on Same-Sex 'Marriage' – Where's the Media?

Only ABC's Good Morning America reports that Californians will have an opportunity to overrule the state Supreme Court.

Sex and the Skittish

Newsweek seems to lament how the movie isn't outrageous enough. The headline is Girls Gone Mild.

Obama Breaks with Radical Church - After Conservatives Question Patriotism?

What more can the poor man do? "Now that Mr. Obama has addressed his ties to the church and pastor in a long speech and fully broken with both, it is not clear what else he can say or do to ...

CBS: Universal Health Care a Moral Imperative

Reporter Priya David discounts the social and economic cost in promoting the Massachusetts mandatory health insurance plan

Another Cost of Celebrity Obsession

Should we restrict the paparazzi or curb the appetite for celebrity Mcnews?

Media Shove Boy Scout Story under a Tent

Boy Scouts face eviction by the city over no-homosexuals policy.

Kirk Cameron's Faith Embraced on The View

Evangelical Christianity is okay when it's proclaimed by a heartthrob.

LA Times Writer Whacks Columnist for 'Shivving' Sebelius Over Abortion

Media critic Tim Rutten attacks Robert Novak for using guilt by association against the Kansas governor, then plays the same card against Novak.

Any Stick's Good Enough to Beat Abstinence Education

NBC's Nancy Snyderman uses an uptick in teen pregnancy rates to challenge morally based sex ed.

Tennis Pro Harkleroad Poses for Playboy; Reuters Hails 'Glamorous Coup'

Article quotes star Serena Williams praising Georgia girl's courage, but cites no critics of pornography.

Why Was Parsley a Problem for McCain? Media PC

ABC can't distinguish between criticizing a religion and hating its believers.

Prince Caspian's Appeal

Pro-God Narnia films outstrip anti-God Golden Compass.

USA Today Spotlights Program to Honor World War II Vets

Honor Flight Network brings vets to D.C. to see the World War II Memorial.

McCain's Media-Manufactured 'Pastor Problem'

ABC tries to link McCain to a controversial preacher, as Newsweek did two weeks ago.