Culture Articles

A Post Christian Vision for Obama

The Washington Post's religion maven advises the Obamas on the perfect church to attend.

Entertainment Weekly Takes the Heat Out of Marriage

Magazine's sexiest movies ever list favors anything but the marital bed.

Grinch-o-Meter ALERT! Bicoastal Episodes of Political Correctness

Florida school bars holiday decor, while two California schools give the ax to kindergarteners dressing as Pilgrims and Indians

ABC News Spends Friday Night with Prostitutes

Nightline twists economic turmoil into a feature on the world's oldest profession but never questions morality.

NPR's Pagan Reporter Just Happens to Find Atheist Protester of Prayer Art Project

Featured artist says prayer is a scary reality but no one questions tax-payer funded public radio mocking the faith of millions.

Unofficially Engaged Is the New Unwed

A California congresswoman thinks it's no big deal to be pregnant and not married.

CNN Founder Ted Turner Touts Population Control and Detente

Appearing on PBS, the liberal media magnate advocates population control as the right thing to do.

Hollywood's Ridiculous Lawyers

Hollywood's lawyers are arguing against the FCC's legalistic definition of profanity (and common sense) when they suggest that when people use the F-word, it doesn't always have a sexual connotation.

O'Reilly Alone Reports Gay Attack on Christians

Homosexuals enraged over Prop. 8 physically and sexually assault a group of religious believers innocently praying in a public place, and this isn't news?

Media Mute on Obama's Mismatched Marriage Messages

How can a politician say he supports man-woman marriage when he opposes the Defense of Marriage Act?

Boston Legal Calls McCain/Palin Supporters Idiots

Storyline includes fantasy of having sex with the Alaska governor.

CNN, Newspapers Beat the Drum for Same-Sex Marriage

Nationwide anti-Prop. 8 protests get little broadcast news attention.

ABC Special Touts Sex Changes as Normal

Barbara Walters promised she would raise the whole question of what is a man and what is a woman. She never answered the question, she just preached tolerance.

Hollywood's Morals ≠ America's Morals

A new poll confirms a CMI study's findings that Americans believe their moral values are being assaulted by Hollywood and the national media.

Pregnant 'Man': Barbara Walters Struggles Against Reality

ABC News's leading lady is using Thomas Beatie to persuade Americans to accept nontraditional families.

Character the Most Important Issue in the Presidential Primary Debates: Executive Summary

Reporters threw more softballs to Democrats overall but more hardballs at Democrats on honesty

ABC: Courts, not Chromosomes, Now Define Sex

Barbara Walters ignores biology while insisting the pregnant man is truly a man. After all, the state of Oregon says so.

Barbara Walters Uses Pregnant 'Man' to Redefine Sexes, Family

In her quest to revise America's understanding of man and woman, the veteran ABC news celebrity covers up the essential fact: Thomas Beatie is, in reality, a woman.

Washington Post Quotes Liberal Catholic Saying U.S. Bishops Hold Minority View on Abortion

Note to WaPo: religions don't base moral teachings on opinion polls.

Matthews on Palin Seeking God's Okay: 'A Lot of Our Enemies Talk Like That'

MSNBC Hardball host suggests that politicians should not openly say they're looking for God's guidance in America's secular environment.

Sex and Aggression: The Media Impact on Children

CMI Senior Writer Kristen Fyfe reports on two profoundly important studies that link childrens media consumption to teen pregnancy and hostile behavior.

Boston Legal's Balanced Look at Abortion

Last night's episode featured arguments in favor of abortion but also acknowledged the longterm damage done to women and men alike.

Apostles of Atheism

How the broadcast and print media helped spread the Gospel of Godlessness in 2007

Apostles of Atheism: Executive Summary

How the broadcast and print media helped spread the Gospel of Godlessness in 2007.

A Study in Character Assassination: How the TV Networks Have Portrayed Sarah Palin as Dunce or Demon

An analysis of two weeks of coverage of the GOP vice presidential nominee reveals unremitting hostility from the network news.

A Study in Character Assassination: Executive Summary

An analysis of two weeks of coverage of the GOP vice presidential nominee reveals unremitting hostility from the network news.

Nets Promote Prop. 8 Protesters

News coverage denies traditional marriage supporters any opportunity to make their case.

News Anchor: Hate on Both Sides as Prop. 8 Protesters Stomp on Cross

Talk about false moral equivalence.

'Access' Denied to Prop 8 Supporters

A popular entertainment news show, Access Hollywood, provides a platform only for celebrities in favor of same-sex marriage.

WaPo: Bush Pro-Life Regs Onerous, Ideologically Offensive

Reporters quote a former Clinton official accusing the Reagan and Bush administrations of establishing the Mexico City Policy, which limits the promotion of abortion by government-funded groups, ...