MRC Business

Wash. Post Claims Minimum Wage Hike Is Fine by D.C.-Area Biz Owners

Conservative critic says the proposed wage hike will hurt the workers it is intended to help.

CBS Obesity Report Trims Opposing Views

'Evening News' story shorts personal responsibility and cost arguments.

CNN's O'Brien Hits Clinton on AIDS Spending

'American Morning' anchor criticized former president, showcased Sen. Barack Obama's call to spend $1 billion more than Bush.

Spy Story Scarier than Real Life

'Good Morning America' frightens viewers with radioactive coverage.

CNN's Dobbs Accuses Ford Motor Co. of Funding Terrorism

The carmaker's crime: selling cars to civilians in Syria.

Hurricane Hype Clouds Warming Debate

Despite wild weather predictions and warnings about global warming, media must watch quiet season blow by.

Unhealthy Bias in Implant Stories, Then and Now

Media return to complaints about silicone breast implants, despite FDA decision to end 14-year ban.

ABC Hypes 'Extreme Jobs' Taking Heavy Toll on Workers with 70-Hour Weeks

Yet the number of Americans in those jobs is small; they choose them; and they're generally well-paid.

Stories Lament Twentysomethings 'Forced' to Live with Parents

Media depict young adults struggling with debt but talk little about poor choices that got them there.
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