MRC Business

Post Writes in Solidarity with Striking Janitors

Story backs 1.8-million-member union against 'oil-rich city's business leaders.'

CNN's Velshi Slams Wal-Mart As Store Everybody 'Loves to Hate'

But reporter left out how voters think the company's practices aren't an issue for politicians to address.

ABC Highlights Medicare Complaints, Overlooks Retailers' Drug Discounts

'World News' complains of cost, confusion but ignores private sector solutions like Wal-Mart's $4 generic drugs.

CBS Praises Tax-Hiking Democratic Committee 'Sheriff'

Reporter Attkisson ignored how the Rep. Charles Rangel has mostly ridden with a tax-hiking bandits through most of his career.

Electronic Voting: The Catastrophe that Wasn't

After election, media silent on left-wing claims of Diebold-Bush conspiracy.

Media Rely on Stories That Are 'Bad for You'

Sugar and spice and everything else are all supposedly harmful - except when they're not.

CNN Hypes Backover Danger of SUVs

'American Morning' features advocate for more regulation, rear-view cameras, even though study finds they have their limits.

Lack of Height Adds to Growth of Bills

USA Today downplays how optional treatment for short children adds billions to insurance costs.

Post's Version of 'Rent' Complains about Cost

Tenants who don't want to pay are focus of story on government control of market.
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