MRC Culture

Huffington Post Video Mocking GOP Women Contains Sexually Explicit Lyrics

'My Girl's a Republican' rap song and video boasts, 'So go ahead and bend it over like an earmark' among other disgusting double entendres.

Late-Term Forced Abortions Exposed on Chinese 'Twitter'

China's version of the social media phenomenon uncovered news of an expectant-mother's gruesome abuse.

John Stewart's 'Million Moderate March' was Not Very Moderate

Protest signs blasted Tea-Tards, Fox News Channel, Sarah Palin

Ladies of 'The Talk' Deem Sarah Palin 'Ignorant' but 'Hot'

Co-hosts of the new CBS talk show can be added to the list of Palin persecutors.

Feminists Slam Gawker For Publishing Anonymous O'Donnell Sex Story

NOW calls the sleazy article 'public sexual harassment.'

CMI Special Analysis: Media Help Flailing Liberals Spread Message on Abortion, Gay Rights

In run-up to midterms, desperate lib candidates focus on divisive social issues – and media lend a helping hand.

CNN Guest Mischaracterizes Focus on the Family as Pro-'Mean' Toward 'Gay People'

Author of 'Queen Bees & Wannabes' suggests to 'AC360' viewers Christian ministry promotes tolerance of aggressive behavior against homosexuality.

Maher Mocks American Electorate: 'They're Like a Dog,' 'Too Stupid'

'Real Time' host says Democrats are needed 'to drag the ignorant hillbilly-half of this country into the next century.'

Hollywood TV Producer Slams Creationists, Traditionalists on Twitter

Danny Zuker, producer of ABC's 'Modern Family' said racists, homophobes, evolution deniers shouldn't vote next Tuesday.

Hypocrisy: NPR's Long War against Fox News, Conservatives

Reporters called conservatives 'tea-baggers,' 'extremists.'
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