
Times Laments 'Painful Setback' to 'Dream Act' Amnesty for Illegals

Julia Preston offered more slanted coverage of the "painful setback" to a narrowly "tailored" effort to bring illegals "out of the shadows." So why were they doing watching from the gallery of the ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note -Preening Over Publishing Stolen Cables, Snooty Over Swiped Climate-Gate Email

Plus: Frank Rich's latest excruciating metaphor and his lament that "homophobia" is merely a "misdemeanor" in official D.C. circles. And Kate Zernike claims her slanted book on the Tea Party ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note -Preening Over Publishing Stolen Cables, Snooty Over Swiped Climate-Gate Email

Plus: Frank Rich's latest excruciatingly bad metaphor and his lament that "homophobia" is only a "misdemeanor" in Washington.

Shocker: Times Pays Conservative D.C. Newspaper a Crime-Fighting Compliment

Jeremy Peters praises the crime fighting Washington Examiner, a free D.C. newspaper with a "conservative bent." "About once a month, the United States Marshals Service in the Washington area ...

David Leonhardt: Obama-Care on Same Level as Civil Rights

The paper's chief economic columnist compares opposition to Obama-care to opposition to civil rights for blacks: "Nearly every time this country has expanded its social safety net or tried to ...

John Broder Warns: The Climate Is Coming After Us

Reporter John Broder personalizes the weather to foster global warming alarmism: "The climate itself was not waiting for the outcome of the talks. An analysis of average global temperatures ...

'F*** the President' From Democrat Ignored, But GOP's 'You Lie!' Excoriated

After taking great offense at a Republican shouting "You lie!" at Obama during his 2009 State of the Union, Carl Hulse devoted a mere seven words to a Democrat's "F*** the President" outburst.

NYT Shows Sudden Concern for Partisan Judges After GOP-Appointed Judge Rules Against Obama-Care

After downplaying partisanship of federal judges in rulings involving immigration and gay marriage, the Times plays up the fact that an anti-Obama-care ruling was done by a Republican-appointed ...

Talking Ants-on-Crucifix Art, Frank Rich Grieves 'Homophobia Is at Most a Misdemeanor' in D.C.

Frank Rich loses it again, defending in nasty and personal terms the ants-on-crucifix art on display at the National Portrait Gallery in D.C. "The incident is chilling because it suggests that ...

Art Critic on 'Ideological Strong-Arming' of D.C. Gay Artists Show: 'Difference Was Sent Back Into Hiding'

Art critic Holland Cotter did not approve of the removal of a video from a Smithsonian show featuring gay artists, and made it known in a pretentious manner: "With the exhibition 'Hide/Seek: ...
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