
Body Image Battles at the Ballet

In a review of the ballet The Nutcracker, the Times dance critic caused a furor by suggesting the ballerina playing the Sugar Plum Fairy "looked as if she'd eaten one sugar plum too many."

Oh No, Europe Doesn't Approve of America's Reaction to WikiLeaks

Sophisticated Europe rolls its eyes at silly American concern over the WikiLeaks revelations. The Times takes Europe's side, seeing the concern as a betrayal of American ideals neither the Times ...

Surprise: Museum Critic Attacks 'Manipulative' Exhibit on Science in the Muslim World

Edward Rothstein criticizes post 9-11 political correctness toward the Muslim world while reviewing a flawed, propagandistic exhibition on the history of science: "Perhaps because one tendency in ...

Friday's Front Page Spins Pro-Wikileaks Hackers as Defenders of Web Freedom

Fighting for Internet freedom...by shutting down websites? That's reporter Noam Cohen's strange take on hacker supporters of WikiLeaks taking down websites they disagree with: "...the loosely ...

If It's Thursday, It Must Be Transsexuality

William Van Meter on the transsexual trend: "Not since the glam era of the 1970s has gender-bending so saturated the news media. The difference now is that mystery has been replaced with ...

Former Reporter Firestone Sees 'Extremist Politics' in Palin's 'Alaska'

Former Washington correspondent David Firestone is disturbed at how Sarah Palin supporters "flock to this portrait of a way of life that is radically different from the way most Americans now live ...

Editor Bill Keller Defends the 'Value' of WikiLeaks: Info's 'Absolutely Fascinating'

Executive Editor Bill Keller reacted badly to a National Public Radio question suggesting Julian Assange of WikiLeaks was a "looter" or a smasher of windows. Keller insisted the document dump has ...

So Much for Civility: Times Embraces Obama's 'Hostage-Taking' Rhetoric

The sedate, responsible New York Times advances the cause of civility on its editorial page: "President Obama was right to use the metaphor of hostage-taking to describe the Republicans' tactics."

Jesus and Muhammad: NYT Hypocrisy on 'Challenging, Disturbing' Images

The Times berates the Smithsonian for pulling a video offensive to some Christians: "The exhibition is supposed to deal with culturally challenging images. Indeed, some of the most important roles ...

NYT Style Mag 'T': No to the 'Cult of the Virgin Mary,' Yes to Ground Zero Imam

Holly Brubach gets seriously anti-Catholic in "T," the Times style magazine: "[Marina] Warner's scholarly survey of the shape-shifting that Mary has undergone over the past two millennia ...
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