Paul Krugman's taking opposition to deficit spending quite hard: "It's hard to see how this situation is resolved without a major crisis of some kind. [Former Sen. Alan] Simpson may or may not get ...
Reporter Janie Lorber tried to argue that voting against conservatives 88 percent of the time makes you a "moderate." They apparently grade "moderate" on a liberal curve.
Times Magazine writer Robert Draper provides some context to the media's anti-Palin caricature: "The caricature of Palin as a vapid, winking, press-averse clotheshorse proved irresistible to ...
Kate Zernike says she tried to be objective in "Boiling Mad," her book about the Tea Party: "I've just written this book that very consciously tried to come up through the middle...there was merit ...
Jackie Calmes, impatient with Republicans for not sufficiently accommodating Obama during a time of national crisis (i.e. early in his presidency): "I'm going to go out on a limb, at the risk of ...
Bias doesn't only come from the New York Times. The national media are attacking all the principles the Founding Fathers viewed as important to a strong nation, including cultural values and ...
William McGowan, Times critic and author of the new book Gray Lady Down, argues that by September 11, 2001, the Times had already established itself as the standard-bearer for "counter-cultural ...
David Frum, another one of the Times' favorite conservatives: " might describe contemporary American politics as a class struggle between those with more education than money against those ...