Columnist Paul Krugman latest talking points culled from the left-wing blogosphere: "It wasn't just the death panel smear. It was racial hate-mongering, like a piece in Investor's Business Daily ...
For Adam Nagourney, "several Republicans" evidently translates as "David Frum plus a prominent Democrat." Plus: "And in a week when Democrats are celebrating the passage of a historic piece of ...
Just what is reporter Carl Hulse implying here in his Obama-care story/profile of Democratic congressman and civil rights marcher John Lewis? "Lewis said he was not intimidated as he walked to the ...
Pro-Obama-care opinionizing on the front page from reporter Tara Siegel Bernard: "But there is no question that the legislation should benefit consumers in various ways."
The paper's chief political reporter questions if citizens really care about how Congress passes the most intrusive piece of legislation in a generation: "Does anyone really care if the bill is ...
The DNC will release an ad to air in D.C. this weekend based on a profile of Mitch McConnell pitching the Senate minority leader as an Obama-care obstructionist.
Times critic Dwight Garner praises left-wing author Tony Judt: "Mr. Judt surveys the political and intellectual landscape in Britain and the United States since the 1980s, the Reagan-Thatcher era, ...
David Herszenhorn's shallow analysis of the CBO cost estimates for Obama-care framed the outcome as a political triumph for Obama. By contrast, the Washington Post actually drilled into the ...
The Hill reports: "In a memo to a broad group of Democratic lawmakers, communications staff and party strategists obtained by The Hill, Democratic National Committee (DNC) Communications Director ...