
Bush and WMD: 'Does Karl Rove or the President Owe the American Public an Apology?'

In a discussion prompted by Karl Roves new book, political podcast host Sam Roberts hews to liberal talking points on Bush and weapons of mass destruction, but is refuted by reporter Peter Baker ...

Interesting: The Times Prominently Plays 'Climate Change' Problems

Reporter John Broder, who previously called climate change skeptics "deniers" and "relatively uninformed," balances this out a little bit with a story on climate scientists realizing they have a ...

Will Ethics Meltdown Doom Democrats in 2010? Times Asks on Front Page

In a refreshing nod to political balance, reporter Jeff Zeleny focuses on "the ethical woes facing Democrats" as they brace for the November 2010 elections.

No Rebuttals Against Gay Marriage in D.C.

Reporter Ian Urbina interviewed three happy gay couples, but no one opposed to gay marriage in the District of Columbia.

Sen. Bunning Standing 'Between Jobless Americans and Extended Unemployment Benefits'

Congressional reporter Carl Hulse, always willing to give the GOP a fair shake: Fight over spending "was allowing Democrats and editorial writers around the country to portray them as heartless ...

Suicide Pilot Joe Stack's 'Anti-Tax Rage' Makes Him Tea Party Sympathizer?

Columnist Frank Rich leaves out Austin suicide pilot Joe Stack's anti-Bush, pro-Communist rants to paint him as a Tea Party sympathizer: "Stack was a lone madman, and it would be both glib and ...

After Ignoring Tea Party Beginnings, NYT Quickly Fawns Over Lefty Coffee Party: No Anger or Astroturf Here

After ignoring the initial stirrings of the fast-growing Tea Party movement for several weeks, the Times quickly jumps on the Coffee Party bandwagon, an alternative that just happens to be filled ...

A Saturday Shocker: Space for Black Pro-Lifers

The Times gave front-page space to the black "abortion foes" and their "conspiracy theories" on a higher black abortion rate, but reporter Shaila Dewan deployed "scholars" (on the Planned ...

David Carr's Tilted Take on Unsociable Republicans

Media reporter ends a piece with attacking Eric Cantor's quote from a different Times story - a little out of its balanced context.

It's Alive! (Again): Times Reporter Once Again Hails Resurrection of Obama-Care

Reporter David Herszenhorn hailed the health summit as Obama's "grand gesture of bipartisanship," opined that Obama's massive remaking of U.S. health care was "a largely middle-of-the-road ...
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