
Calmes Again Puts Onus for Deficit Reduction on Minority-Party GOP

Yeah! Retired Republican Senator Alan Simpson set "to challenge the party's antitax orthodoxy" according to reporter Jackie Calmes.

The Times' Obama-Care Optimism Remains Unquenched

Reporter David Herszenhorn's eternal (and so-far misguided) optimism on the prospects for Obama-care once again burns bright in Thursday's lead story on health-care reform push, Showdown Near ...

Health Insurance: Your Ticket to Eternal Life

Nicholas Kristof unwittingly reveals the secret to immortality in a column pushing for greater access to health care.

NY Times Hailed as 'One of the Most Gay-Friendly Institutions in the World'

Former Newsweek Editor Charles Kaiser gushed on Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger: "Practically overnight, he transformed what had been a relentlessly homophobic place into one of the most ...

GOP Leader Mitch McConnell, Not Obama-Care, to Blame for Voters Cynicism

Voter cynicism? Blame that obstructionist Republican leader Mitch McConnell: "In the process, Mr. McConnell, 68, a Kentuckian more at home plotting tactics in the cloakroom than writing ...

5 Years Later, NYT Still Piling on Lawrence Summers for Remarks About Women in Science

Harvard's "a different place" without its former president, Lawrence Summers, who left under fire for daring to make an academic statement about women's aptitude for science and math during an ...

NYT's Main Economic Writer Reverses Himself on Obama's Tax-Cut Pledge for Earners Under $250K

David Leonhardt, who supported Obama's pledge to cut taxes for those making under $250,000 in the name of fighting "inequality," today admits your taxes will have to go up "however much you make."

A Benign View of the 'Slaughter' House Rule to Pass Obama-Care Without a Vote

While the Times contents itself with a blog post Tuesday portraying Pelosi's proposal as benign, The Washington Post takes the story seriously, putting it on the front page under a blunt headline: ...

David Barstow's Hit Piece on Tea Party Wins Left-Wing Journalism Award

Investigative reporter David Barstow's paranoid February 16 front-page piece on an Idaho chapter of the Tea Party movement won a left-wing foundation's monthly journalism award.

Poland's 'Daughters of Capitalism' Sign of Post-Communist 'Moral Decadence'

In one of many ideologically loaded sentences in his story from Warsaw, reporter Dan Bilefsky claimed the movie Mall Girls" has provoked a national debate about moral decadence in this ...
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