
NYT's Powell Claims McCain Camp Started Race Card "Furor"

"Senator Barack Obama is a man of few rhetorical stumbles..."? Michael Powell's front-page report on Obama and the race card gets off to a bad start.

Deborah Solomon Calls Swift Boat Vets "Ugly Chapter" in U.S. History

Sunday Magazine reporter Solomon (pictured) confronts T. Boone Pickens on the charges made by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth: "I thought it was all invented."

"Objective Sources" Like WP, NYT Say McCain Ads "Over the Top & Unfair"

With the U.S. succeeding in Iraq, the Times abruptly decides the war is no longer important to voters. Adam Nagourney: "Don't you think that people are thinking about different things right now?" ...

NYT Denies Anti-McCain Bias in the Media

Also: The Times cites the Media Research Center for the 52nd time. For the 52nd time, the Media Research Center was labeled "conservative" or "right-wing."

NYT Calls McCain Ad Racist, McCain Camp Likens Editors to Kos Kids

Give me a break: "The ad gave us an uneasy feeling that the McCain campaign was starting up the same sort of racially tinged attack on Mr. Obama that Republican operatives ran against Harold Ford, ...

Times Unearths More Republicans for Obama, in Indiana

Patrick Healy unearths Obama Republicans in Indiana (a week after the Indianapolis Star ran a similar story) and portrays Obama, who supports partial-birth abortion, as someone who would work to ...

Adam Cohen Rehashes Old Conspiracy Theory - Was Max Cleland Robbed?

Editorial writer Adam Cohen is still mad over Democratic Sen. Max Cleland's 2002 loss, and cites suspicions from "skeptics" about "malicious software that changed votes."

McCain Loses Civility, Spews "Inaccurate," "Misleading" Attacks on Obama

Reporter Jim Rutenberg frets over McCain's harsh attacks: "The intensity of the recent drive - which has included some assertions from the McCain campaign that have been widely dismissed as ...

McCain "Tarred" Obama as "Dr. No" - But NYT Called Coburn the Same Thing

Two days after running the front-page headline, "Democrats Try to Break Grip Of the Senate's Flinty Dr. No," the Times criticizes McCain for calling Obama "Dr. No" and for his "misleading" ...

McCain "Waving the Flag of Fear" Against Obama With "False" Attacks

A lead editorial insists McCain is peddling a "false account" of Obama's cancelled visit to wounded troops in Germany - but the paper's fact-checker leaves the question open. Also: Is it really ...
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