
Greenhouse: Justice's Ruling on "So-Called" Partial-Birth Abortion "Patronizing" to Women

Greenhouse finds Justice Kennedy's jurisprudence sexist when it uphelds a ban on a gruesome abortion procedure - but likes it when it upholds gay rights.

The NYT Wants to Put "Wasteful" Health-Care Choices to Sleep

The Times, a supporter of universal health care, wonders if "wasteful" medicines and "expensive" new medical procedures are worth "a few months" - or even five years - of extra life.

Mad About Maddow - Times Pumps Up Another Left-Wing Media Woman

Who needs an agent when you have the NYT? Another left-wing Air America alum gets the star treatment, courtesy of reporter Jacques Steinberg.

Chief Political Reporter Responds to Obama Camp Criticism - and Agrees

Would a Times reporter respond as respectfully after an attack from a Republican?

Obama, NYT Agree on Bringing Immigrants "Out of the Shadows"

Shades of bias: Obama and the Times mutter the same liberal lines about the plight of illegal immigrants cowering "in the shadows."

It's OK to Question Service Medals...Sometimes

The Times disapproved of Cpl. Pat Tillman's "patriotism-drenched memorial service" and questioned his Silver Star service medal. But the Times has never called into question Sen. John Kerry's ...

Child Killer or Brave Anti-Israel Fighter? Times Leaves It Open for Debate

"Samir Kuntar will return to a hero's welcome when he crosses into Lebanon this week, 29 years after he left its shores in a rubber dinghy to kidnap Israelis....That raid went horribly wrong, ...

On "False and Misleading" Statements, Campaign Blame Falls Mainly on McCain

Jim Rutenberg: "'If the dialogue becomes too elevated, I'll have to retire,' said Brooks Jackson, the FactCheck.org director. 'So far, no danger there.' The group has had a particularly busy ...

Is Times "Push[ing] the Panic Buttons" on Bank Sector Woes?

Tuesday's lead story brings up a "Depression scenario."

Justice (and Former ACLU Lawyer) Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Centrist?

As opposed to the divisive Bork and Thomas nominations, "President Clinton played to the center, not the left, in selecting Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer, nominations that were well ...
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