"Mr. McCain also displayed the bumpy and sometimes hapless nature of his own effort to prove that he is the candidate with the sterling foreign policy credentials."
Alessandra Stanley misses the obvious: "But it's not pro-Obama bias in the news media that's driving the effusion of coverage, it's the news: Mr. Obama's weeklong tour of war zones and foreign ...
The left-leaning Columbia Journalism Review concluded that the Times' "tenuous arguments about newsworthiness" served "only to feed the paper's reputation as a vehicle for thinly veiled liberal bias."
Bias tilting point? Times writer John Harwood admitted he was "surprised" his paper didn't accept John McCain's pro-surge op-ed after it ran a pro-withdrawal one from Obama.
Michael Slackman forwards loaded language from Muslims in Amman: "The United States, many said, may be a biased supporter of Zionism hostile to Muslims..." And the Times now finds use of Obama's ...
In his latest free-markets-are-failing analysis, economics reporter Peter Goodman chides U.S. policymakers' "swaggering pride in the cutthroat but lucrative form of capitalism" in America.
Did Max Cleland really lose "his bid for a second term in 2002 after a Republican television advertisement depicted him as unpatriotic." Watch the ad for yourself and decide.
The Times isn't about to give John McCain a break, setting stringent standards before it will take a pro-surge op-ed from him, even though it printed Obama's pro-withdrawal op-ed last week.