Media Reality Check

Occasional reports and mini-studies documenting distorted coverage and/or media omissions.

Dancing Around Bill Clinton's Enron Deals

TV's Double Standard: Networks Push Bush's Links While Downplaying Clinton's Favors For Enron

Condemning Bush, Not Interested In Evil

MRC Study: Five Times More Coverage of Bush's Rhetoric Than Iran, Iraq or North Korean Policies

Will Congress Reward Media's Advocacy?

Establishment Journalists Discarded Objectivity for Activism In Pushing for Campaign Finance "Reform"

Afghanistan's Murderous Taliban = U.S.A.'s "Religious Conservatives"

Establishment Journalists Discarded Objectivity for Activism In Pushing for Campaign Finance "Reform"

News Media's Scandal Double-Standards

Shifting Standards: Tyson's Presidential Ties Downplayed, but Enron's Links to Bush on Center Stage

Good Riddance to Two-Faced Reality Checks

Hailed As "Great Journalist" by Dan Rather, Eric Engberg Was Poster Boy for CBS's Worst Liberal Bias

Combating the Media's Economic Myths

Ten Economic Leaders Offer an Alternative to Bias in a New Book from MRC's Free Market Project

Bully the Whistle-Blower, Ignore the Bias

In Book, Bernard Goldberg Recounts How He Was Shunned & Vilified For Exposing Truth About CBS

One-Sided Questioning of Attorney General

ABC, CBS, CNN & NBC Pressed Ashcroft on Civil Rights Abuses; No Inquiry on Protecting Citizens

Would Have Sacrificed Troops In '91, But Wants a Scoop In '01 Terror War

Without Major Media Presence In Afghanistan, Peter Arnett Predicts "GIs In Afghanistan...Will Be Totally Forgotten"
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