Media Reality Check

Occasional reports and mini-studies documenting distorted coverage and/or media omissions.

Media Bias Destroyed Democratic Dreams?

Blaming "Conservative Media" for Democratic Losses, Pundits Demand Still More Liberal Media Bias

Media: Both Parties Should Shift to the Left

Conservatives Told to Dilute Their Agenda While Democrats Condemned for Downplaying Liberalism

Morley & Molly's Gift to Texas Democrats

With Hours Left in Campaign 2002, CBS's 60 Minutes Races to Assist Lagging Liberal Campaigns

CBS's Campaign Gifts to Liberal Candidates

Life Under Campaign Finance Reform? Liberal Anchor Distorts Facts to Help Democratic Campaigns

Cheering Mondale, Decrying Republicans

GOP Scolded For Politics Prior to "Memorial" but Democratic Maneuvers Don't Register with Media

Harry Smith, Liberal Blast From CBS's Past

Like a Bald Jimmy Carter, Smith Berated America for Hurting the Poor, Fouling the Air and Race Hatred

Washington Post's October Surprise? Reporter Paints Bush as Clinton Clone

As Liberals Can't Gain Election Traction, The Media Step In

Impressed by Sick Distortion of Democracy

ABC's Wright: It's "Impossible to Say" If 11,440,638 to Zero Result Is a "True Measure" of Iraqi Opinion

TV's "Congress" Rejected Bush's War Call

ABC Censored Bush's Congressional Supporters While CBS and NBC Exaggerated Anti-War Sentiment

ABC's War Against Bush's Anti-Iraq Policy

MRC Study: World News Tonight Painted U.S. as Aggressor and Gave More Airtime to Anti-War Views
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