Media Reality Check

Occasional reports and mini-studies documenting distorted coverage and/or media omissions.

Newsweek's "War Whiplash" Injury

Alter's "Conventional Wisdom" Box Exposed as Very Unwise

Arnett's Propaganda Meets an End at NBC

NBC Fires Its Baghdad Correspondent Based on Iraqi TV Appearance, But His Work Was Also Shoddy

ABC's War News Touts Doubt and Dissent

The Most Biased Network During the Pre-War Months Now Offers the Most Biased Iraq War Coverage

World News Tonight's Anti-War Agenda

MRC Study: Despite Pledge of Objectivity, ABC Spent Pre-War Period Undermining Support for Bush

Ignoring Miguel Estrada, Liberal Nightmare

ABC, CBS Have Skipped Over Senate Filibuster of "Latino Clarence Thomas"; NBC Aired One Story

Dan Rather Stars in "Gullible's Travels"

In 60 Minutes II Interview with Saddam, CBS Anchorman Wastes Time on Trivia and Silliness

CBS's Rerun Publicity Gimmick: Saddam Floated Debate Idea in '90

In '90, Rather Asked About "A Vietnam In The Sand" For The U.S.

Jane Pauley's "Unusual Empathy" for Liberals

NBC Host Won't Renew Contract, But She Leaves a Legacy of Promoting Controversial Women

Peter Picks a Peck of Pesky Protester Points

ABC Anchor Stands Out Like Sore Thumb As He Daily Scorns Bush's and America's Opposition to Iraq

CNN-USA Today Poll Suggests: Colin Powell Will Lie Today

How to Build a "Credibility Gap" Before War Even Begins
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