Media Reality Check

Occasional reports and mini-studies documenting distorted coverage and/or media omissions.

Acolytes of the "Candid" Gospel of Hillary

Fox Is Lonely Exception to Networks Recycling Hillary's Tales of Woe With No Trace of Fact-Checking

Can Moyers Be an Anchor and a Funder?

PBS Star Gives Publicity to Liberal Groups, But Won't Tell Viewers He's Underwriting Their Activism

Among the Tax Cut Losers: Biased Journalists

Networks Recycle Liberal Group's PR Spin, Pound Bush for Not Giving Tax Cuts to Non-Taxpayers

Howell Raines Admits: Race Mattered

Raines in '98: "If You Have to Choose Between a Worthy But Erring Colleague and The Newspaper Itself, You Choose for The Paper"

They Saved Private Jessica Lynch, But They Ruined All The Doorknobs?

Jennings Finds Another U.S. Military Action To Complain About

Where's the Media on Saddam's Payoffs?

ABC, CBS, NBC Featured A Bribed British Leftist Lawmaker, But Now There's Nothing But Silence

Gulf War II: Grading Television's War News

Fox News Channel and Embedded Reporters Excelled, While Peter Jennings and Peter Arnett Flunked

Peter's Sympathy for Hollywood Hypocrites

ABC Covers Anti-War Actors By Playing Up Their "Punishment," Not Their Errors or Radicalism

CNN Admits Honest Reporting Was Impossible, So Why Go To Baghdad?

Will Other Networks Now Reveal The Saddam Secrets They Kept?

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong on the "Arab Street"

Baghdad-Based Reporters Issued Piles of Unreliable, Inaccurate "Reporting" On Iraqi Public Opinion
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