Media Reality Check

Occasional reports and mini-studies documenting distorted coverage and/or media omissions.

NBC Trumps Rice With Anti-Bush Widows

NBC and MSNBC Allowed No Pro-Bush Mourners to Express Their Feelings About Condi Testimony

Liberal Media vs. Conservative Talk Radio

Media Elites Show Their Bias as They Gleefully Push Liberal Talk Radio "Network" With Few Stations

Credible Clarke vs. Ferocious White House

Network Reporters Treat the Former Anti-Terrorism Advisor's Testimony As Authoritative, Not Biased

Kerry Gaffes in Front of the Press, But They Don't Notice?

Only FNC Covered Kerry's $87 Billion Flub the Day He Said It

ABC Can't Stop Blabbing About Kerry-McCain "Dream Ticket"

Why Won't ABC Ask McCain About Democrats Subverting McCain-Feingold Law With Their New Anti-Bush Ads?

A Liberal Candidate Gets Media Makeover

Study: Networks Portray Kerry's Liberalism as a Partisan GOP Charge, Not a Well-Documented Fact

Anti-Bush Anecdotes Trump Pro-Bush Poll

While CBS's Poll Shows Huge GOP Majorities Backing Bush, CBS Reporter Finds a "Fury" on the Right

Networks to Nader: Drop Out!

ABC, NBC Flay Nader as Spoiler of Gore's 2000 Victory, Suggest He's Only Running to Stoke "Enormous Ego"

Kerry's Partisan Partners in Smearing Bush

ABC, CBS and NBC Give Bush "AWOL" Charge Double the 1992 Coverage of Clinton's Draft Dodging

Partisan Tools, Not Objective Observers

ABC, CBS, NBC Pound Bush, But Protected Draft-Dodging Clinton from the "Willie Horton Crowd"
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