Media Reality Check

Occasional reports and mini-studies documenting distorted coverage and/or media omissions.

Reporters Shocked by Anti-Kerry Band-Aids

Republican Convention, Day 1: CNN's Aaron Brown Scolds GOP Speakers' Focus on National Security

TV: Take the Fair and Balanced Challenge

In Boston, Networks Avoided Labels, Social Issues, Anti-Kerry Vets, Quibbles on Facts or Policy Ideas

TV Focuses on Kerry's Spin, Not Kerry's History

ABC, CBS & NBC Morning Shows Have Failed to Interview A Member of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

TV Gives No Respect to Swift Boat Vets for Truth

ABC, CBS & NBC Gave 75 Stories to Bush "AWOL" Charge, 9 to Claims Kerry Embellished War Record

TV Networks Applaud John Kerry's Speech

Democratic Convention, Day 4: On ABC, CBS and NBC, No Liberal Labels For Kerry's Proposals

Network Reporters Swoon Over Edwards' Speech

Democratic Convention, Day 3: Edwards Is So Nice, ABC's Jennings Frets, Who'll Attack Bush/Cheney?

Obama the "Rock Star" & America "Goose-Steps"

Democratic Convention, Day 2: Tom Pops the Question: "What Did You Mean" by "Un-American"

Clever Bill, Honest Jimmy, but No Bush-Bashing?

Democratic Convention, Day 1: CBS's "Shove It" Story Skips Teresa's Calling GOP "Un-American"

Television's Biased Convention Coverage

As Networks Prepare for 2004 Conventions, MRC Review Shows Liberals Get Kinder, Gentler Coverage

Sandy Berger's Defense Lawyers in the Press

Dan Rather Disparages "Carefully Orchestrated Leak" That Upsets His Carefully Orchestrated Newscast
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