Media Reality Check
10/29/2004 12:00 AM ET
Under Democrats, Slower Growth was Seen as Good News
10/28/2004 12:00 AM ET
Al-Qaqaa Bombshells Prove Anti-Bush Media Can't Resist Trying to "Push Undecideds the Other Way"
10/25/2004 12:00 AM ET
Charles Gibson Devoted Half of His Presidential Interview Emphasizing the Human Costs of the War
10/21/2004 12:00 AM ET
Paper Smears Its Front Page With Bad News for Bush, Editor Worries Press Is Too Nice to the President
10/20/2004 12:00 AM ET
Economic Numbers in 1996 and 2004 Very Similar, But the Media Spin Depends on Who's President
10/14/2004 12:00 AM ET
Reporters Frown on Bush's Mention of Kerry's Liberalism, Calling It a "Tinny" Charge, a "Tired Horse"
10/12/2004 12:00 AM ET
Rathergate or No Rathergate, CBS's Face the Nation Host Has Given Brickbats for Bush, Kudos for Kerry
10/11/2004 12:00 AM ET
ABC Political Chief Says Bush is Biggest Distorter, Urges Staff Not To "Artificially Hold Both Sides 'Equally' Accountable"
10/8/2004 12:00 AM ET
Letting the Moderator Pick the Gallup Questioners Led to a Bigger Slant in Liberal Questioners in 2000
10/7/2004 12:00 AM ET
Friday's Debate Moderator Loved July's Democratic Convention but Scolded "Icy" Tone of VP Debate