Media Reality Check

Occasional reports and mini-studies documenting distorted coverage and/or media omissions.

How Will Media Spin Best Pre-Election Growth in 25 Years?

Under Democrats, Slower Growth was Seen as Good News

Late Hit Proves Media's Urge to Help Kerry

Al-Qaqaa Bombshells Prove Anti-Bush Media Can't Resist Trying to "Push Undecideds the Other Way"

ABC Asks Bush How He'll Lose, Leave Iraq

Charles Gibson Devoted Half of His Presidential Interview Emphasizing the Human Costs of the War

The Times: All the News That Fits Our Spin

Paper Smears Its Front Page With Bad News for Bush, Editor Worries Press Is Too Nice to the President

Bill Clinton Boom, George W. Bush Gloom

Economic Numbers in 1996 and 2004 Very Similar, But the Media Spin Depends on Who's President

TV (Again) Hails Kerry as Debate Champ

Reporters Frown on Bush's Mention of Kerry's Liberalism, Calling It a "Tinny" Charge, a "Tired Horse"

Meet Bob Schieffer, CBS's Dan Rather Echo

Rathergate or No Rathergate, CBS's Face the Nation Host Has Given Brickbats for Bush, Kudos for Kerry

No Balance Until November 3?

ABC Political Chief Says Bush is Biggest Distorter, Urges Staff Not To "Artificially Hold Both Sides 'Equally' Accountable"

Will the "Uncommitted" Be Mostly Liberals?

Letting the Moderator Pick the Gallup Questioners Led to a Bigger Slant in Liberal Questioners in 2000

Charlie Gibson, ABC's Liberal Question Man

Friday's Debate Moderator Loved July's Democratic Convention but Scolded "Icy" Tone of VP Debate
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