Media Reality Check

Occasional reports and mini-studies documenting distorted coverage and/or media omissions.

PBS on Tom DeLay: Favors "Virtual Slavery"?

Replacement for Bill Moyers Is Becoming the New Poster Boy for Blatant Liberal Bias on Public TV

Anchors Gush Heroism of "Deep Throat"

Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, and Aaron Brown Offer the Passionate Liberal Rebuttal to Mark Felt's Critics

Ignoring Saddam's Mass Graves, Covering Undies Photo "Outrage"

Today Show Seeks Out Saddam Defense Lawyer To Express His Outrage Over Brutal Iraqi Dictator's Unfair Treatment

Extreme Conservatives vs. Unlabeled Liberals

MRC Study: Six Times More "Conservative" than "Liberal" Labels on Network News Since Election Day

Ignoring the Pro-Pope Polls of Catholics

Networks Claimed "Many Catholics" Opposed "Ultraconservative" Ratzinger, "God's Rottweiler"

Washington Post's Robin Givhan and Her Hair-Raising Fashion Bias

Bolton, Bush, and Cheney Hair Mocked, but Kerry Should "Gloat," and Edwards Should be "Tousled" and "Nuzzled"

Jesse Jackson Gets No News Mojo in Supporting Terri Schiavo's Life

Networks Unimpressed with the Liberal Reverend When He Arrives in Florida to Put a Democratic Face on the Side of Life

Slanting the News Against Terri Schiavo

ABC, CBS and NBC Evening News Coverage Favors Those Who Would Stop Feeding Disabled Woman

Good Riddance to Dan Rather's Rotten Bias

For Decades, the Liberal CBS Anchorman Twisted the News to Help Liberals and Hurt Conservatives

CNN Anchor Helps Promote HBO's Offensive Anti-Faith "Comedian"

Just Last Week, Maher Mouthed Off on MSNBC: "Religion Stops People From Thinking....Religion is a Neurological Disorder."
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