Media Reality Check

Occasional reports and mini-studies documenting distorted coverage and/or media omissions.

Celebrating the Media's Bush-Bashing "Passion"

Journalists Refused to Tilt in America's Favor after 9/11, But Are Praised For Biased Hurricane Coverage

Preparing the Battlefield for a Roberts Ambush?

"Very Conservative" Supreme Court Pick Portrayed as a Confederate, Racist and Male Chauvinist Pig

Outraged By Pat Robertson, But Silent On Anti-American Chavez

Dictator Hugo Chavez Is Wrecking Democracy In Venezuela & Allying Himself With America-Hating Terror States Like Iran

Interested in Connected Dots or Blaming Bush?

In 2002, Network News Breathlessly Touted Charge That "Bush Knew" In Advance of 9/11 Plot

Announcing Another Way to Fight Liberal Bias

MRC Launches, an Interactive Web Log Dedicated to Exposing the Media's Tilt

"Defiant" Bush Sends "Damaged Goods" to UN

Networks React with Indignation to Bush's Recess Appointment, But Praised Clinton's '97 "Solution"

Media Now Roast Rove, But Wouldn't Fry Bacon

Networks Pile On With 58 Rove Stories in 10 Days, But Helped Bury Pentagon's Abuse of Tripp in 1998

Sickening Moral Equivalence From NBC Anchor Brian Williams

Happy Fourth Of July: NBC Nightly News Suggests "The First Several U.S. Presidents Might Have Been Called Terrorists," Just Like Ayatollah Khomeini's Radical Hostage Takers In Iran

Going Over Easy for Democrats in the Morning

Network Anchors Tenderly Offer Senators Chance to Rebut and Criticize President's Fort Bragg Speech

Nets Target U.S. Military "Abuses," But Skip Dick Durbins "Nazi" Rant "

A Democratic Senate Senate Leader Compares American Soldiers To Pol Pot, Stalin's Gulag, and Nazis- Why Is That Not News?
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