Media Reality Check
2/18/2005 1:00 AM ET
NBC Only had 30 Words for CNN Executive Eason Jordan's Charge That American Soldiers Murdered Journalists
2/11/2005 1:00 AM ET
Budget Coverage Is Low on Big-Picture Numbers, High on Hyperbole About Government Beneficiaries
2/3/2005 1:00 AM ET
Liberal Radio Host Mocks Iraqi Voters with Nazi Salute
1/31/2005 1:00 AM ET
Strong Turnout by Iraqi Voters and Relative Calm Contradict Many Journalists' Pessimistic Predictions
1/11/2005 1:00 AM ET
Overnight, CBS's Dan Rather Fiasco Goes From Big Story to Minimal Story on ABC, NBC, and CNN
12/14/2004 1:00 AM ET
PBS Omnipresence Retires with Ridiculous Claim that There's No Liberal Bias, Only Conservative Bias
12/8/2004 1:00 AM ET
John Roberts, the Front-Runner to Take Rather's Chair, Twists News Stories to Favor a Liberal Agenda
11/30/2004 1:00 AM ET
NBC News Anchor Brian Williams Lionizes Liberals, Castigates Conservatives and Blames America First
11/10/2004 1:00 AM ET
FMP Study: Networks Tout Alleged Harm of Global Warming But Hide Massive Costs of Kyoto Treaty