Media Reality Check

Occasional reports and mini-studies documenting distorted coverage and/or media omissions.

Scolding "Gratuitously Mean" Dick Cheney

Only CBS News Claims Edwards Won the Debate; CBS Reporter Says Cheney's Words "Did Not Take"

PBS's Gwen Ifill: No Moderate Moderator

Running-Mate Debate Host Has Likened Conservatives to Terrorists, Truck Bombers, and Assassins

Media Decide Kerry Gets the "Momentum"

Networks Crown Kerry Winner of First Presidential Debate, Deride Bush as "Angry" and "Self-Pitying"

Lehrer Favored Liberal Questions in 2000

Forget the Fuss About Debate Rules: Will Bush and Cheney Get a Fair Shake from Four Liberal Anchors?

Lining Up in Dan Rather's Valley of Forgery

Geraldo Feels Sorry for Rather, Helen Thomas Says He's "Magnificent," Diane Sawyer Finds "A Giant"

Pro-Kerry Media Expose Their Partisanship

ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC Ignored or Disparaged Swift Vets Against Kerry but Hype Anti-Bush Charges

60 Minutes Has Pounded on Bush All Year

CBS Interview with Texas Democrat Only the Latest Salvo in an Undeniable Trend of Bush-Bashing

CBS Belittles Bush but Fawned Over Kerry

Republican Convention, Day 4: "Compassionate Conservatism" Mantra Rings Hollow to CBS Reporter

Decrying Miller's "Ugly" "Raw Meat" Speech

Republican Convention, Day 3: ABC's Stephanopoulos Hears Echoes of 1992 Houston Convention

Brokaw: Platform Doesn't Speak to Women

Republican Convention, Day 2: MSNBC Reporter Suggests "Compassion" = Supporting Gay Marriage
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