Media Reality Check

Occasional reports and mini-studies documenting distorted coverage and/or media omissions.

Tonight's Big Story: Ridiculous Rumors!

They All Report Dumping Cheney Is "Far-Fetched," But Promote Fable "Privately Advanced" by Dems

Dan Rather Nods Through Clinton Whoppers

CBS Anchor Buys Hillary's Ignorance, Bill's Couch Sleeping, Outrage at Kroft; Glosses Over Buckraking

For Clinton, Dan Rather is Putty in His Hands

CBS Anchorman Has Long Track Record of Cheerleading and Softball Questions for President Clinton

Liberal Media's Reagan-Bashing Record

While Reporters Now Praise Reagan's Humor & Optimism, They Disdained His Conservative Policies

All Abu Ghraib Zeroes, Not Decorated Heroes

Networks Highlight Soldiers Smiling in Prison Abuse Photos, Ignore Those Showing Bravery in Combat

Why Are Gas Prices the Only Economic News?

ABC, CBS, NBC Aired 50 Stories Playing Up "Skyrocketing" Gas Prices, 22 Falsely Said "Record High"

Hyping Liberal Radio's Rise, But Not Its Fall

National Media Outlets Piled Publicity on Air America's Launch, But Have Gone Silent On Its Struggles

Prison Abuse Trumps Saddam's Mass Graves?

MRC Study: NBC Devoted Ten Times More Airtime to U.S. Humiliations Than Saddam's Mass Murders

The TV Elite Downplays Kerry vs. Russert

Papers Highlight Kerry Backing Away from Vietnam "Atrocity" Claims, But TV Networks Stay Quiet

Hyping Bush Bashers, Ignoring Bush Backers

MRC Study: Throughout the Hearings, Networks Favored a Handful of 9/11 Relatives Who Fault Bush
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