Media Reality Check

Occasional reports and mini-studies documenting distorted coverage and/or media omissions.

The "Antiquated, Authoritarian" Pope Party

Will John Paul's Historic 25th Anniversary Today Become Another Moment for Demanding Liberalism?

Smearing Arnold So Democrats Don't Have To

Brokaw Questions Schwarzenegger's "Criminal" Conduct, While ABC Has Yet to Fix Hitler Misquote

The Networks' Highly Selective Outrage Over "Criminal" Leaks

While They Help Hype Joe Wilson's "Leakgate," the Networks Barely Noticed in '02 When Congress Illegally Leaked Secrets

NBC Pumps Public Demand for Higher Taxes

Today's Matt Lauer Fantasizes How Democrats Could Beat Bush With a Promise to "Increase Taxes"

Cruising Past Cruz's Racial Controversies

Bustamante May Be Leading, But Networks Stay Focused on Arnold's Raunchy Magazine Comments

Marking Tom Brokaw's Twenty Years of Tilt

NBC Anchor Boasted "We've Worked Hard to Drain the Bias" but Viewers Still Swimming in Liberalism

20 Years of Bias From ABC's Peter Jennings

Can't See Bias: "ABC, CBS, NBC Are Mainstream Media...Largely in the Center...Without Ideologies"
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