Media Reality Check

Occasional reports and mini-studies documenting distorted coverage and/or media omissions.

Auditing the Media's Anti-Free Market Bias

MRC Study: Television News Stressed Liberal Themes in Covering Key Economic Issues this Summer

Is ABC's "Road to War?" Really Anti-War?

World News Tonight Ignores Dangers of Inaction on Iraq, Trumpets War Foes and Dire Consequences

Using "Moderates" to Spank Conservatives

Study: Networks Stress Moderate Republicans, Not Centrist Democrats Who Think Liberals Go Too Far

ABC's Jennings to the Left of the New York Times on Secret Court Ruling

President Bush Rebuked For President Clinton's Errors?

Trying to Make Green Ideology Mainstream

While the Earth Is Still Threatened by Capitalism, Time Offers Hugs to Pro-Environmental Businesses

Why No TV Coverage of Tax-Cut Solutions?

ABC, CBS and NBC Ignore Economic Cures Ranging from Raising I.R.A. Cap to Ending Dividend Taxes

CNN Turns Bad News Poll Into All-Day Marketing Campaign

Public Gives Anchor Aaron Brown Low "Believability" Score

A Bias Blind Spot for Meet the Press Host

One-Sided Questioning: Russert Pushed Both Friends and Foes of Bush Tax Cut to Suspend Its Benefits

Disguising Liberal Views as Straight News

Liberal Columnist Alter Commandeers Newsweek Cover Story; Bashes Bush, Business and Tax Cuts

Washington Post's Bizarre Halliburton Spin

Disgruntled White House Correspondent Dana Milbank Floats Silly Cheney Stock Selling Theory
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