The Best of Notable Quotables; December 12, 1988
Vol. One; No. 22
Published: 12/12/1988 8:22 AM ET
Table of Contents:
- The Best of Notable Quotables; December 12, 1988
- Reagan Record
- Economy
- Feminism
- Cuban Communism
- Human Rights
- Oliver North
- Ted Turner's Portrait of the Soviet Union
- Grenada Liberation
- Glasnost
- Nicaragua
- Jim Wright
- Tax Reform
- Geraldo Rivera
- Phil Donahue
- Carl Rowan
- Cows and Dogs and Cats
- Homelessness
- Headline of the Year
"Oh, Mr. Gorbachev!
You are so different from all the other boys!
I think I’m falling in love with you!
Clap your hands, clap your hands, Gorbachev!
Clap, clap, clap, clap your hands!"
-- a Hungarian pop singer featured during story by NBC reporter John Cochran, May 26.
is a totally different world. Moscow is right now an open city. It is
just as open as Washington, D.C."
-- William Lord, former Executive Producer of ABC’s World News Tonight, quoted in the Washington Post by Tom Shales, in early June.