The Best of Notable Quotables; December 12, 1988
Table of Contents:
- The Best of Notable Quotables; December 12, 1988
- Reagan Record
- Economy
- Feminism
- Cuban Communism
- Human Rights
- Oliver North
- Ted Turner's Portrait of the Soviet Union
- Grenada Liberation
- Glasnost
- Nicaragua
- Jim Wright
- Tax Reform
- Geraldo Rivera
- Phil Donahue
- Carl Rowan
- Cows and Dogs and Cats
- Homelessness
- Headline of the Year
"Personally, I think
the Contras are worthless."
-- CBS News producer/reporter Lucy Spiegel
quoted by David Brock in the January 1987 American Spectator.
“Arias warns Ortega: No room for games”
-- Washington Times, front page, January 14
“Costa Rican Asks Nicaragua, Rebels To Aid Peace Plan”
-- Washington Post, same day
this sea of troubles? One reason is the old American tendency to ignore
the Canadians, belittle the Mexicans, and invest in the armies of
Central America. Another reason is that diplomacy has been replaced in
recent years by sloganeering and belligerence. Instead of making deals
with the Sandinistas, the President said he wanted them to cry uncle."
-- John Chancellor on why anti-U.S. feelings are on the increase. NBC
Nightly News, May 3.
"For months the Sandinistas have been trying
to influence favorably U.S. public opinion by being flexible,
permitting democracy. But now the Sandinistas simply say flexibility is
not working, and they will adopt a harder line."
-- NBC’s Ed Rabel on
July 12, after the Sandinistas expelled the U.S. Ambassador, arrested
demonstrators, closed down La Prensa and Radio Catolica.
"And in
Nicaragua, the Contras used weapons from the ‘enterprise’ against
civilians. It’s a terrorist war they’re fighting. Old men, women and
children are caught in the middle or killed deliberately as the Contras
use violence against peasants to pressure their government. Thousands
have died. Even when the hearings were taking place in Washington this
summer, a Contra raid in Nicaragua killed three children and a pregnant
woman. As the casualties mounted, the secret government in Washington
knew that the Contra leaders were not such noble freedom fighters after
-- Bill Moyers in The Secret Government, the Constitution in Crisis, repeated by PBS on September 14.