
Notable Quotables - 07/09/1990

Notable Quotables - 09/04/1989

Notable Quotables - 08/21/1989

Notable Quotables - 08/07/1989

Media Research Center

MediaWatch: August 1989

Study: Eric Engberg: Spin Doctor of CBS; NewsBites: Cuomo in '92; Revolving Door: Writing Reagan; Celebrating the Sandinistas; The Time - RNC Saga Continues; Newspeak on Abortion; Janet Cooke ...

Notable Quotables - 08/22/1988

Media Research Center

MediaWatch: August 1988

Study: Coverage of the Democratic Convention; NewsBites: Abortion Distortion; Revolving Door: Thomas Rodgers; Dirty Double Standard; Janet Cooke Award: CBS NEWS: Democratic Convention Coverage
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