
Joe Scarborough Begs Obama to Gain Perspective, Stand Up to GOP on Tax Cut Compromise

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough slammed President Obama Tuesday for not standing up to Republicans but rather compromising over extending the Bush tax cuts. Scarborough called the tax cuts for ...

Unhappy With Tax Compromise, George Stephanopoulos Scolds David Axelrod from the Left

Apparently unhappy at the idea of a compromise with Republicans over taxes, Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday attacked the deal from the left, wondering if the "White House ...

Networks Offer Scant Coverage of Liberal DREAM Act, Frothed Over Arizona Immigration Bill

For much of the spring and summer, the big broadcast networks threw staff and airtime at covering Arizona's attempt to control its borders against rampant illegal immigration. Liberals detested ...

Vieira to Axelrod on Tax Cut Deal: 'Why Shouldn't Americans Look At This As a Disaster in the Making?'

NBC's Meredith Vieira, on Wednesday's Today show, hit David Axelrod repeatedly from the left as she lectured the White House senior adviser that the left is "furious" at Barack Obama for making a ...

MSNBC's Chuck Todd Continues to Distort Tax Deal's 'Astronomical' Cost

MSNBC's Chuck Todd on the December 7 "Daily Rundown" was uncharacteristically heated in his opposition to the compromise between President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans on extending ...

Rates Unchanged, Yet CBS Insists 'Battle Over Tax Cuts' Means 'Cuts for High-Income Earners' and Middle Class

Though under the Obama-congressional GOP compromise income tax rates will remain unchanged for all, CBS anchor Jeff Glor introduced a story by characterizing a "battle over tax cuts" and how ...

CNN: Keeping Current Tax Rates is Increasing Government Spending

On Tuesday's Newsroom, CNN tried to spin the proposed compromise between President Obama and congressional Republicans to keep the current tax rates as a "package that increases spending ...

NBC's Mitchell to Republican: How Do You Justify a Tax Cut for Those Who Don't Need It?

On Tuesday's Andrea Mitchell Reports, Republican Senator Judd Gregg had to remind Andrea Mitchell that hardworking Americans' money belongs to them and not the government, after the NBC reporter ...

Joe Scarborough Tells Critics to 'Kiss My A**'

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, who recently implored viewers to "Keep Calm and Carry On" by seeking civil political debate over nasty partisanship, rebuked those who laughed at him last year for his ...

Snarky Jake Tapper: 'The Devil Made' Obama Agree to Deal With GOP

Good Morning America's Jake Tapper on Tuesday spun Barack Obama's reaction to a tax deal with Republicans this way: "The devil made him do it..." The devil, apparently, being GOP representatives.
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