
Joe Scarborough: Sarah Palin's Resume Makes Obama Look Like Winston Churchill

In his November 30 Politico column, Joe Scarborough rips Sarah Palin whose "anti-intellectualism" threatens the GOP's success in 2012. With a scathing indictment of Palin's presidential ...

MSNBC Anchor Labels Rep. Steve King a 'Radical Right-Winger' Before Interviewing Him

On Tuesday, MSNBC anchor Chris Jansing labeled Rep. Steve King (R) of Iowa "one of the most radical right-wingers in Congress" during the segment immediately before she interviewed him. Nothing ...

Ex-Clinton Aide George Stephanopoulos Touts Call for Hillary to Resign Over WikiLeaks Scandal

Former Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday hyped a call for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to resign over the revelations in the WikiLeaks release. While talking to Robert ...

CBS Issues 'Gridlock Alert,' Warns That GOP 'Put A Halt on Cooperating'

At the top of Wednesday's CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Erica Hill fretted over Republicans pledging to focus solely on economic issues in the lame duck session of Congress: "Gridlock alert. ...

NBC's Vieira to Robert Gibbs on Tax Hikes: What Happened to Obama the Fighter?

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs appeared on all three major morning shows, on Wednesday, and was pressed by ABC, CBS and NBC's anchors about whether or not the President would fold and ...

Nets Paint GOP as Obstinate, Highlight Failure to Offer 'Mea Culpa' or Match Obama's 'Peace Offering'

Covering President Barack Obama's White House meeting with congressional leaders, ABC and CBS portrayed incoming House Republicans as the ones obstinate about tax rates, refusing to compromise ' ...

CNN Books Three Liberals to Discuss WikiLeaks, No Conservatives

CNN's Larry King provided more proof that his network does indeed "play favorites," contrary to the claim of their recent ad, by bringing on three liberals on his program on Monday to discuss ...

George Stephanopoulos Hypes Christine O'Donnell Tweet on Hillary Clinton, Touts Scarborough Attack

A fascinated George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday analyzed a Tweet by Christine O'Donnell as a sign of support for Hillary Clinton. The ABC host played up the approving comment by the Republican ...

Today Show Portrays Wiki Leaker as a 'Teased' and 'Harassed' Victim of the Military

Instead of leading with how Army Private First Class Bradley Manning may have jeopardized national security with his document dump to WikiLeaks, NBC's chief Pentagon correspondent Jim ...

On Today: Matt Lauer Tries to Convince Republican to Go Obama's Way and Raise Taxes

NBC's Matt Lauer, on Tuesday's Today show, invited on soon to be House Majority Leader Eric Cantor to discuss the meeting of Republican congressional leaders with Barack Obama, and in the process ...
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