
NBC's O'Donnell: Palin 'Rips the Heart Out of Her Opponents' in New Book

NBC correspondent Norah O'Donnell hyped Sarah Palin's criticism of her liberal opponents on Tuesday's Today show, stating that the former governor "rips the heart out of some of her opponents" in ...

NY Times Skips Pro-Life March, Highlights 'Dwindling' Anti-Army Protest

The New York Times has a funny way of defining protests as "news" or "not news" depending on who is being protested. For example, they've entirely ignored the March for Life against abortion in ...

CBS Early Show Frets Over 'Passenger Gridlock,' Glosses Over TSA Civil Liberties

Early Show co-host Maggie Rodriguez on Tuesday glossed over the TSA's use of intrusive pat-downs while drilling down on the potential for "gridlock" if distressed passengers cause "chaos" this ...

NBC Offers Soft Spin on Invasive TSA Screenings, ABC, CBS Highlight 'Outrage,' 'Probing Hands'

NBC's Today offered the most sympathetic take on the growing outrage over invasive pat downs being conducted at airports by the Transportation Security Administration. While ABC highlighted ...

Network Double Standard: Obama's TSA Gropers vs. Bush's NSA Eavesdroppers

While the broadcast networks have generally empathized with the distress of airline passengers over TSA's intrusive airport searches, they have not impugned the Obama administration as launching a ...

Networks Hype GOP Division Over Palin, Claim She's 'On the Verge of Overexposure'

On Monday, all three network morning shows eagerly highlighted former First Lady Barbara Bush voicing opposition to a Sarah Palin presidential run while suggesting the former Alaska governor has ...

Amanpour Panelist Regrets 'Abysmal' White House PR Means Lack of Appreciation for GM Bailout

ABC's Christiane Amanpour on Sunday gave national exposure to a liberal Financial Times reporter. Ed Luce declared the world would react "with deep horror, I think, but also some amusement," to a ...

FNC Highlights UVA Study That Shows Enforcing Immigration Laws Decreases Violent Crime

On Thursday's Fox and Friends, FNC hosts Gretchen Carlson and Steve Doocy gave attention to a University of Virginia study which found that, since Prince William County in Virginia became more ...

Dan Rather: GOPers 'Seek to Cut Out President Obama's Heart & Throw His Liver to the Dogs'

On Sunday's syndicated Chris Matthews Show, panel member and former CBS anchor Dan Rather - currently with HDNet - made an over the top metaphor about the Republican Party wanting to "cut out ...

BBC's Kay Suggests Tea Partiers Put Beating Obama Ahead of 'Country's Interest,' Opposing Obama is Alternative to 'Competence'

Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's syndicated Chris Matthews Show, the BBC's Katty Kay suggested that Tea Partiers are willing to go against the "country's interest" rather than to "deal" ...
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