Appearing as a guest on Saturday's Huckabee show on FNC, Whoopi Goldberg - co-host of ABC's The View - complained that bloggers disseminate inaccurate information about her without the need to ...
Displaying a clear conflict of interest during Friday's 12PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Contessa Brewer did a story promoting electric car charging stations but did not disclose to viewers that the ...
While most of the country took a collective gasp over the verdict in the trial of al-Qaeda terrorist Ahmed Ghailani, Cenk Uygur spun the disconcerting outcome as a success story for the Obama ...
On Thursday's Parker-Spitzer, CNN's Kathleen Parker bizarrely and inaccurately claimed that Alexander Hamilton came to the United States illegally and drafted the Constitution: "Let's remember...a ...
Former ABC reporter Jami Floyd on Friday appeared on MSNBC and slammed Sarah Palin as an "extraordinary ass." Floyd's attack didn't register much of a shock with Jansing and Co. host Chris ...
On Friday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Nancy Cordes reported on leaked excerpts of Sarah Palin's new book, 'America By Heart,' claiming, "some of the topics she tackles may be surprising." One ...
Very unusually, CBS's Katie Couric promised a look Thursday night at "how runaway government spending has exploded the national debt," but Couric illustrated how she and the media are an ...
On Thursday's Countdown show on MSNBC, after guest Howard Fineman of the Huffington Post predicted that Republican Congressmen would not agree to extend unemployment benefits, host Keith Olbermann ...
At the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith cheered the public trading of General Motors stock as evidence that Obama administration's bailout of the auto industry had worked: ...
ABC's "The View" hosted pastor Joel Osteen Tuesday, author of the book The Christmas Spirit ' but the conversation took a controversial turn and went from Christmas to homosexuality. Co-host Joy ...