
Sarcastic Bill Weir on Being a Careful Journalist: 'I've Drastically Scaled Down the Size of My Meth Lab'

Nightline co-anchor Bill Weir talked to TV Newser on Tuesday and offered a sarcastic answer to the question of how he must be careful as a journalist. Weir mocked, "Well, I've drastically scaled ...

CNN: Conservative Guests are 'Controversial;' No Labels for Liberals

CNN, whose new ad claims that they "keep them all honest, without playing favorites," actually played favorites on Monday's Parker-Spitzer. Hosts Kathleen Parker and Eliot Spitzer failed to give ...

George Stephanopoulos Chides Michele Bachmann: Why Is It 'Okay' to Extend Tax Cuts?

For the second time in two days, Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday lobbied for tax increases, wondering why it's "okay" for the "wealthiest Americans" to continue to receive ...

MSNBC's Contessa Brewer Pleads for Government to Force Environmentalism

During Monday's12PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Contessa Brewer helped promote the network's "Green is Progress" week by demanding greater government intervention to force people to follow an ...

CBS Highlights Murkowski's Criticism of Tea Party 'Purity Test' and the 'Not Worldly' Palin

On Monday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric filed a report on Senator Lisa Murkowski in which she highlighted the Alaska Republican's criticism of the Tea Party movement requiring a "purity ...

Olbermann Responds to Koppel, Claims Criticized Obama More in a Week that FNC Primetime Did Bush in 8 Years

On Monday's Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann used his latest "Special Comment" to respond to former ABC anchor Ted Koppel's inclusion of him and MSNBC in his criticism of the modern news ...

ABC's Dan Harris Gently Questions Carville: Do You 'Stand By' Prediction of 40 Year Dominance by Dems?

Good Morning America' s Dan Harris on Saturday gently coaxed an answer from James Carville as to whether the campaign operative still believed his 2009 prediction that the Democratic Party would ...

Inflammatory Keith Olbermann Treated Far Kinder Than Bill Buckley Was by NY Times Mag

Deborah Solomon, who is in charge of the Q&A section of the New York Times Sunday Magazine, treated the consistently offensive MSNBC host Keith Olbermann with consideration, yet flayed ...

On Today: Bobby Jindal Slams Obama for His Slow Response to Oil Spill, Lauer Offers Excuses

Bobby Jindal, on Monday's Today show, slammed the Obama administration for its slow response to the BP oil spill off the coast of Louisiana, charging that: "It seemed like the federal government ...

Today Show Highlights Palin's Negative Poll Numbers in Tease of Her Reality Show

Norah O'Donnell, on Monday's Today, couldn't resist taking a shot at Sarah Palin, in her review of the former Alaska governor's TLC reality show, as the NBC correspondent trumpeted a recent Gallup ...
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