During four days of coverage, ABC skipped the conservative perspective while reporting on Keith Olbermann's suspension. The network also used the liberal label only once. Good Morning America ...
Anyone critical of President Obama being in India right now is an "idiot," MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, on Monday, bluntly served on his morning show, which prides itself on being a safe haven for ...
CNN's Don Lemon tossed softballs at leftist writer Tim Wise on Sunday's Newsroom, mostly reading back excerpts from his latest column, which the anchor labeled a "withering rebuke of...the 'white ...
On Friday, CBS's Early Show previewed President Obama's upcoming 60 Minutes interview by showing a clip of the softest moment of the exchange and skipping over a series of more challenging ...
For the Today show, Democratic Representative Patrick Kennedy's departure from Congress was something to mourn because it represented, as NBC's Matt Lauer lamented, "The end of an era. There's ...
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Monday devoted almost an entire interview with Republican Darrell Issa to attacking a criticism the Congressman made of Barack Obama as "corrupt." ...
On Sunday's syndicated Chris Matthews Show, panel member Katty Kay of the BBC claimed that Vice President Dick Cheney had convinced 70 percent of Americans to believe that Saddam Hussein was ...
Christine Amanpour spent much of Sunday's This Week arguing with her guests about how taxes must be raised - a theme also echoed on Face the Nation and Meet the Press - as she brought aboard the ...
New York Times reporter Jackie Calmes pretends it's a certainty that Obama-care will actually save money: "Republicans also say they will try to deny money to put Mr. Obama's new health care law ...
New York Times reporter Katharine Seelye implausibly celebrates liberal Senator Russ Feingold as a fierce "maverick" independent: "...a liberal with a fierce streak of independence who crusaded ...