
On CBS, Laura Bush Calls Out Media for Liberal Bias

During an interview with former President George W. Bush and Laura Bush on CBS's Sunday Morning, correspondent Jim Axelrod wondered: "In terms of how you understand how you are perceived is there ...

George Stephanopoulos Pesters Former Clinton Colleague With Krugman Complaints

Former top Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos on Monday pestered his old White House colleague Erskine Bowles on the need to let the Bush tax cuts expire. The Good Morning America co-host also ...

CBS's Andy Rooney: Obama Is 'Doing the Best Job He Knows How and It's Good Enough for Me'

As he devoted his regular 60 Minutes segment on Sunday to complaining about surveys, CBS's Andy Rooney declared his belief that President Obama is "doing the best job he knows how, and it's good ...

ABC: 'Concentration on Policy' Caused Obama's 'Shellacking,' No 'Mandate' to GOP for 'Gridlock'

On ABC's World News Sunday, correspondent David Kerley seemed to accept as fact President Obama's claim that "concentration on policy issues" was the reason for his party's recent election losses. ...

It's 'Deranged' to Not Raise Taxes, Washington Post's Marcus Declares on ABC's Roundtable

Despairing that the current income tax rates will be extended for all income levels, on Sunday's This Week, Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus declared: "I think that the conversation right now ...

CBS's Greenberg Blames America for Mexican Drug Cartels, Claims All Guns Come from U.S.

On Friday's CBS Evening News, travel editor Peter Greenberg filed a report which blamed the U.S. for drug cartels in Mexico, and, even though the overwhelming majority of guns seized from Mexican ...

ABC, NBC Relay Cindy McCain's Support for Gays in the Military

On Friday evening, ABC's World News and the NBC Nightly News both informed viewers that Cindy McCain - wife of Senator John McCain - supports repealing the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy on gays in ...

Michael Moore: 'Good Thing for Dems' That Conservative Dems 'Thrown Out of Office'

Appearing as a guest on Friday's Larry King Live on CNN, liberal filmmaker Michael Moore claimed that a "silver lining" for the Democratic Party in their election losses is that conservative ...

Roland Martin on CNN: Sarah Palin is the 'Kim Kardashian of Politics'

Roland Martin brought his full-blown Palin Derangement Syndrome to Friday's Anderson Cooper 360, labeling the former Alaska governor "the Kim Kardashian of politics." Martin continued that Palin ...

Scarborough: Palin Is To Blame for GOP Failure In Capturing Senate

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough blames Sarah Palin for the GOP's failure to capture the Senate because of her efforts in drafting candidates who were defeated in Delaware and Nevada. "But for Sarah Palin, ...
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