
Chris Matthews' New Thrill: Host Hyperbolically Compares Valerie Plame Movie to 'Casablanca'

Hardball host Chris Matthews on Monday rhapsodized over Fair Game, the new Sean Penn movie about the Valerie Plame scandal, even going so far as to compare the film to the classic Casablanca.

ABC Hosts Swoon Over 'American Icon' Michelle Obama, Compare Her to Jackie Kennedy

According to Good Morning America, Michelle Obama is the second coming of Jackie Kennedy. Co-host Robin Roberts enthused on Wednesday, "...First Lady Michelle Obama is drawing comparisons to the ...

George W. Bush Delivers a Basic Economics Lesson to Matt Lauer

In a follow-up interview to his prime time special with George W. Bush, NBC's Matt Lauer invited the former president on Wednesday's Today show and in the process got an education on how tax cuts ...

FNC's Liasson: Send off Pelosi 'In a Blaze of Glory' Like Churchill After 'Historic' Accomplishments

On this past weekend's Fox News Sunday, panel member Mara Liasson - also of NPR - invoked the name of Winston Churchill as she recommended that House Democrats send off Nancy Pelosi "in a blaze of ...

CNN's Parker-Spitzer Endorse Matt Taibbi's Anti-Tea Party Attack: 'Chasing Mexicans on Medicaid'

CNN's Kathleen Parker and Eliot Spitzer endorsed Matt Taibbi's bashing of conservatives on their Monday program. Spitzer marveled over the Rolling Stone editor's "brilliant" label of the Tea Party ...

Irritated Shepard Smith Decries 'Sour Grapes,' 'Slimy' Methods of Anti-Pelosi Democrats

A visibly annoyed Shepard Smith on Monday decried the "sour grapes" and "slimy motives" of a group of defeated House Democrats who are circulating a letter in opposition of Nancy Pelosi staying on ...

The New York Times Cozies up to Playful Communists in Manhattan

For some reason, the New York Times finds a local group of Communists positively cuddlesome: "If communists have a reputation for anything, it is seriousness. (And if you have seen old photos of ...

Cynthia McFadden Cajoles Secretary of Defense: Hillary Could Do Your Job, Right?

ABC's Cynthia McFadden on Tuesday pushed Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to agree that Hillary Clinton could do his job. Talking to both Clinton and Gates for Good Morning America, McFadden ...

CBS: Government Needed to Stop Fast Food Industry That Wants to 'Get Kids Hooked'

At the top of Monday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric warned viewers: "They promised to fight childhood obesity, but the biggest chains may be working harder than ever to get kids hooked on ...

NY Times Reporter Michael Cooper Deflates Pro-Republican 'Myths of the Midterm'

New York Times reporter Michael Cooper "debunks the myths of the midterm" in ways that each happen to make Democratic prospects look not so bleak: "Return to the Republican Fold" (Cooper denied ...
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