Former Nightline host Ted Koppel will use an op-ed appearing in Sunday's Washington Post to compare the current state of cable news to financial swindler Bernie Madoff and to express "nonpartisan ...
On her webstie, The Daily Beast, on Thursday, editor-in-chief Tina Brown joyously announced the "wedding" of the left-leaning blog with the equally liberal Newsweek magazine: "Some weddings take ...
Liberal New York Times columnist Gail Collins pays "conservative" columnist David Brooks the ultimate tribute: "This is why Barack Obama likes you so much. (Admit it, when you're around he ignores ...
According to Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos, a deficit commission suggesting deep cuts will call the "bluff" of voters who want to severely restrict government spending. The ABC host ...
On Thursday's CBS Early Show, news reader Erica Hill used loaded liberal terms to describe a Texas pro-life event that Sarah Palin attended on Wednesday: "Palin shared the stage in an ...
CNN has launched a new advertising campaign, claiming to be the only cable network without an ideological ax to grind. But an MRC review of the network's primetime shows in October shows liberal ...
In his weekly "The Final Word" column for USA Today, "Out of the closet...well, almost," features reporter Craig Wilson recalled in Wednesday's newspaper: "I once knew a gay youth who was bullied. ...
Appearing as a guest on Monday's Last Word, MSNBC contributor and Princeton University Associate Professor Melissa Harris-Perry claimed that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Barack Obama ...
Since Republicans won control of the House of Representatives last week, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann has recited at the end of his Countdown show a new signoff each night he has hosted noting the ...
After 40 years of delivering snarky movie reviews for NBC's Today show, Gene Shalit is calling it quits, with his final broadcast this Thursday and the long-serving movie critic didn't reserve his ...