During her 1PM ET show on MSNBC on Friday, host Andrea Mitchell decried President Obama showing willingness to extend all the Bush tax cuts: "We got the big hint from Robert Gibbs yesterday that ...
Bill Press says what most liberals in the media will only shroud in cryptic code: the voters who swept Democrats out of power in the House are stupid: "Just once ' probably never get reelected if ...
When NBC's Matt Lauer threw out the tired, overused, standard media line, on Friday's Today show, that the public is tired of all the "vitriol" and wants the Republicans to just work with Barack ...
Good Morning America on Friday featured an all liberal "Morning Mix" panel to bash conservatives, tout liberal talking points about the midterm elections and the stupidity of Sarah Palin. ...
In a preview of President Obama's upcoming 60 Minutes interview on Friday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Steve Kroft is shown commiserating with the commander-in-chief over midterm election ...
MSNBC chief Phil Griffin mocked Fox News over News Corp. donations to Republicans and insisted to the New York Times "Show me an example of us fund-raising." Politico's Simmi Aujla reports that ...
CBS's Nancy Cordes on Thursday night conveyed Democratic concern about Eric Cantor's pledge to hold oversight hearings: "That worries Democrats, who remember what happened the last time ...
MSNBC's Cenk Uygur mischaracterized the 43rd President's position on the waterboarding, before demanding that Bush be prosecuted. "Now it seems to me we have a confession here of a war crime and a ...
On Thursday's Countdown show on MSNBC, as he plugged a segment on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's appeal to President Obama to cooperate with the GOP, host Keith Olbermann suggested that ...
Chris Matthews must be really pleased with himself, after accusing Rep. Michele Bachmann of being under hypnosis, in his now famous election night skirmish with the Minnesota Congresswoman, as he ...