
CNN Leads Tea Party Special With Racism Charge; Castle a 'Conservative'

CNN led their hour-long documentary "Boiling Point: Inside the Tea Party," which aired on Saturday and Sunday, with the regular accusation from liberals that racism is "running rampant" in the Tea ...

'Early Show' Ignores Reporters at CBS Alaska Affiliate Smearing Miller Campaign

On Monday, while both ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today covered the scandal involving reporters at CBS Anchorage affiliate KTVA caught on tape discussing ways to attack Republican Joe ...

George Stephanopoulos Pushes Steele to Agree that Midterms Won't 'Validate' GOP

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Monday cajoled Republican National Committee Chairman into agreeing that a GOP victory on Tuesday wouldn't be validation for the Republican Party, ...

CBS's Smith to Haley Barbour: 1994 GOP Win 'Didn't End So Well'

In an interview with Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour on Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith was already predicting failure if the GOP won control of Congress: "1994 was an important ...

ABC Highlights Black Republicans Running for Congress

ABC's World News Sunday gave attention to black Republicans who have a good chance of getting elected in this year's congressional elections, focusing on Tim Scott of South Carolina and Ryan ...

60 Minutes Promotes Washington's 1098 Income Tax Initiative, Stahl Hails Stockman as 'Brave' for Wanting Tax Hikes

Barely 36 hours before Washington State voters go to the polls, CBS News aired a 14-minute unregulated in-kind campaign expenditure on behalf of "Yes on 1098" and its chief cheerleader, Bill Gates ...

60 Minutes Promotes Washington's 1098 Income Tax Initiative, Stahl Hails Stockman as 'Brave' for Wanting Tax Hikes

Barely 36 hours before Washington State voters go to the polls, CBS News aired a 14-minute unregulated in-kind campaign expenditure on behalf of "Yes on 1098" and its chief cheerleader, Bill Gates ...

NBC Sees 'Conservative' Toomey, But No Label for Sestak; Gearing Up to Blame Tea Party if No GOP Senate Majority

On Sunday's NBC Nightly News, during a roundup of several reporters covering a number of high-profile Senate races, correspondent Ron Allen was upfront in labeling Pennsylvania Republican Senate ...

Amanpour Advances Democratic Agenda on Misinformed Voters and 'Racist' GOP Ads

ABC's Christiane Amanpour spent her last show before the election mimicking Democratic talking points. She cued up Democratic Senator Robert Menendez with how Americans don't recognize the ...

Worried Whitman Might Win, Colorado's Bennet 'Deserves To,' Chafee a 'Voice for Reason'

This weekend's Inside Washington put on full display the liberal sensibilities of the Washington press corps as Newsweek veteran Evan Thomas yearned for a win in Colorado for incumbent Democratic ...
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