
NY Times Editorial Page Pulls Out All the Stops for Desperate Democrats (and only Democrats)

For Election Day 2010 the New York Times beefs up its endorsements, departing from its traditional metropolitan focus to endorse Sen. Barbara Boxer in California and Sen. Harry Reid in Nevada. The ...

Flashback: Media Decried Voters in 1994, Argued Conservatives Had "No Mandate"

MRC's archives show a trend on nights when conservative candidates do well: smug journalists slamming "angry" or stupid voters; claims there's no mandate for conservative policies; slams that ...

Today Show Tries to Set Up Sarah Palin for a Big Fail

On Tuesday's Today show, a couple of correspondents laid down the potential story line of a big defeat for Sarah Palin if the Republican Tea Party candidate she endorsed, Joe Miller, doesn't win ...

Maher: GOP Voters a 'Fringe Group;' Fox News Spreading 'Misinformation'

HBO's Bill Maher spouted his usual anti-conservative and anti-Fox News rhetoric on Monday's Situation Room on CNN, attacking the Tea Party movement as "teabaggers [who] are all carrying the ...

George Stephanopoulos Lobbies GOP to 'Cooperate' With Dems, Wonders if Defeat Could be a 'Blessing' for Obama

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday once again pushed Republicans who win on Election Day to "cooperate" with Barack Obama and also wondered if a defeat could be a "blessing" ...

CBS's Smith to Ann Coulter: What If Tea Partiers Bring Government 'To A Screeching Halt'?

On Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith continued to fret over government gridlock in the wake Republican electoral gains, asking Ann Coulter: "...big Republican wave just rolls in there. ...

The NY Times Is Charmed by Stewart's Shtick on the Mall, Skips Inconvenient Facts

The New York Times flattered the cute and clever signs from the "overwhelming" crowd and live blogged Jon Stewart's event, which it failed to do for Glenn Beck's recent rally or the huge Tea Party ...

A Week Late, NBC Nightly News Reports Obama's 'Punish Our Enemies' Crack

A full seven days after President Obama told Hispanic voters they should "punish our enemies" on Election Day, NBC Nightly News finally got around to reporting it as a "potential attack" that ...

ABC Shuns Hateful Signs at Jon Stewart Rally, Highlights 'Sermon' by Comedy Central Star

Good Morning America on Sunday skipped the hateful signs at Jon Stewart's rally in Washington D.C., Saturday. Reporter David Kerley instead played a clip of the comedian and hyped, "Comedy on the ...

CBS: Stewart/Colbert Rally 'Touched Anti-Anger Nerve,' Called for 'Less Name-Calling'

On Saturday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Wyatt Andrews previewed the Washington DC 'Rally to Restore Sanity And/Or Fear,' organized by comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert: "Almost all of ...
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