Even with Monday's deal between President Obama and top Republicans, no American's income tax rates will actually decline on January 1. Yet throughout this debate, the broadcast networks have ...
Invited on Tuesday's Today show to discuss the tax cut compromise in Congress, CNBC's Erin Burnett initially whined that "We can't afford it" but then went on to tell viewers that if Congress were ...
The Today show cast, on Tuesday, previewed a guest appearance by reality show star Kate Gosselin on Sarah Palin's TLC show, and after showing a clip of the former Alaska Governor frightening the ...
Monday night Brian Williams fretted the deal contradicts how "the fight has been over anything in government that isn't paid for," yet, as Chuck Todd despaired in filling in Williams' regret, ...
World News anchors and reporters on Sunday chided Barack Obama from the left, complaining that he was "caving" and "breaking one of his biggest campaign promises" by preventing tax rates from ...
Bill Press appeared on Fox News' Geraldo At Large, on Sunday night, as part of a discussion about whether the Bush era tax cuts would be extended and the former CNN host couldn't get his story ...
During Tuesday's 1PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Andrea Mitchell highlighted a new poll from the left-wing pro-abortion group Planned Parenthood that claimed that voters do not trust Sarah Palin on ...
On Sunday's Face the Nation, Republican Senate whip Jon Kyl kept correcting host Bob Schieffer about how extending tax "rates," not "cuts," is what is being debated, leading Schieffer to conceded ...
Appearing as a panel member Sunday on the syndicated Chris Matthews Show, Andrew Sullivan of the Atlantic charged that Republicans are "trying to keep this economy bad" to hurt President Obama as ...
On ABC's World News Sunday, anchor David Muir and ABC's senior Washington correspondent Rick Klein fretted that the federal budget deficit would increase as a result of both the blocking of a tax ...