
NY Times' Michael Shear: Only Conservatives Commit Crazy, Controversial Campaign Clunkers

A long New York Times story by reporter Michael Shear almost totally ignores Democratic campaign controversies but found at least 10 incidents worth mentioning on the Republican side, involving ...

Christine O'Donnell: 'Separation of Church and State' Not in Constitution, MSNBC Shocked, Angered

MSNBC on Tuesday continued its attempt to dismiss Republican candidates as extremist, hitting Sharron Angle, Christine O'Donnell and others as "mean girls" who are unqualified for office. Jansing ...

NBC's Matt Lauer Gets Tough with Democrat Jack Conway

Kentucky Democratic Senate candidate Jack Conway's recent ad questioning the faith of his opponent Republican Rand Paul was so beyond the pale that even NBC's Matt Lauer, on Tuesday's Today show, ...

George Stephanopoulos Preps for Dem Disaster, Wants Tea Partiers to 'Cooperate' With Obama

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday conceded that big Republican gains are on the way for November 2 and pushed guest John McCain on how the newly elected Tea Party candidates ...

CBS: Israeli Archeological Dig 'Indoctrination' for Expanding 'Jewish Encroachment'

On Sunday's 60 Minutes, CBS correspondent Lesley Stahl fretted over the possible expansion of Israeli settlements near an important archeological site in Jerusalem: "So archeology is being used as ...

Where Is the Love For President Obama? Morning Joe Panel Wonders

President Obama has accomplished so much during his tenure with so little gratitude from the American people, lamented the Monday panel for MSNBC's Morning Joe. What is to blame? Poor marketing by ...

Olbermann Mocks Bachmann Over U.S. Constitution & Wanting to Dine w/ Jesus, Ann Coulter, Mark Levin

On Monday's Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann mocked Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, tagging her as "Worst Person in the World," for her recent declaration in an ...

CBS Story on 'Fighter' Alan Grayson Ignores False Taliban Ad

In a story on Florida Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson's bid for reelection on Sunday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Michelle Miller described the left-wing bomb thrower this way: "Freshman ...

Sneering MSNBC Slams GOP Candidates as 'American Freak Show'

Sometimes the bias is extremely clear: A MSNBC graphic on Monday mocked GOP senatorial candidates with the headline, "American Freakshow [sic] Angle, Paul, O'Donnell: New Faces in Politics." ...

CBS Puffs Pelosi: 'One of the Most Effective Speakers in Congressional History'

On CBS's Sunday Morning, correspondent Rita Braver conducted a fawning interview with Nancy Pelosi, portraying the widely unpopular Speaker of the House as a strong leader taking on her opponents: ...
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