
More Convenient Front-Page Fretting in the New York Times About 'Anonymous' GOP Donors

Taking a cue from liberal interest groups and the Obama White House, the New York Times puts some supposedly scary stuff on its front page: "Like many of the other groups with anodyne names ...

MSNBC On Woman Fainting During Clinton Speech: 'He's Still Got It'

Reporting that an elderly woman fainted at a West Virginia campaign appearance by former President Clinton, MSNBC ran the provocative headline "He's Still Got It," during its 10 a.m. EDT news hour ...

CNN's Blitzer: Delaware's Chris Coons a 'Moderate Liberal' Like Biden

CNN's Wolf Blitzer downplayed the straight liberal record of Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday's Newsroom, as he compared the former senator to Delaware Democratic Senate candidate Chris ...

NY Times Reporter Herszenhorn Finds 'Anger...Fury,' and Ignorant GOP Voters in Pennsylvania

New York Times reporter David Herszenhorn finds anger and voter ignorance at only one end of the political spectrum, and has time for a fact-check of conservative claims: "The voters of ...

Sloppy 'Experts' at ABC Incorrectly Label Five (of Nine) GOP Seats as Held by Democrats

ABC News, which likes to bill itself as delivering "up-to-the-minute political coverage," on Sunday identified nine key Senate seats and mistakenly labeled five of them as held by Democrats.

CBS's Harry Smith on Tea Party: 'Can Anger Govern?'

On Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith interviewed former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and questioned the ability of tea party candidates to be effective in office: "...when it's time ...

CNN's Parker Mirrors Spitzer's Line About 'Fringe' in Republican Party

On Monday's Parker-Spitzer, CNN's Kathleen Parker picked up where her co-host Eliot Spitzer left off on Friday, bashing conservatives as "fringe elements" inside the Republican Party. Parker ...

NBC's Vieira Fails to Knock Michele Bachmann Off Her Game

NBC's Meredith Vieira tried her best to get Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann off her game, on Tuesday's Today show, by repeatedly pressing her to admit that the Tea Party has ...

CBS's Smith on Valerie Plame Movie: CIA Agent's Life 'Torn Apart' By Bush Administration

Near the end of Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith interviewed actress Naomi Watts about her latest role as former CIA agent Valerie Plame in the movie 'Fair Game': "...a ripped from the ...

'Brace' for No Change: AP Frets Steady Social Security Payments Mean Seniors Forced to Buy 'Cheap Whiskey'

The consumer price index is holding steady, so that means no "cost of living adjustment" upward in Social Security payments in 2011, prompting the Associated Press to distribute on Monday night a ...
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