To Associated Press writer Jim Abrams, this session of Congress has been "most productive in nearly half a century," but voters are failing to give due credit to the Democratic majorities. Abrams ...
NBC's Matt Lauer, at the top of Monday's Today show, touted the arrival of Michelle Obama on the campaign trail, as he trumpeted: "Tag team, the President and First Lady campaign together for the ...
"With just 16 days left, it is getting nasty out there," ABC reporter David Kerley asserted Sunday night, scolding Republican Senator John McCain because on the campaign trail he "dropped ...
ABC's Christiane Amanpour on Sunday discovered "a long and venerable tradition of conservatism in this country" exemplified by Ronald Reagan and William F. Buckley, but she only showed that ...
NBC's Chuck Todd conceded "the Tea Party has been helpful to the GOP in both re-branding the party away from Bush and giving it a real grassroots component," but he insisted, "this Tea Party ...
The frequently-maudlin Ann Curry outdid herself on Wednesday's Today show. Narrating a short video item about Russia unveiling a new set of inflatable weapons designed to fool spy satellites, ...
On Thursday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric talked to a group of supposedly independent voters in Pennsylvania, but touted how none of them were undecided about one thing: "...there was ...
Conservative Richard Viguerie brought his criticism of CNN's "left-of-center" bent on Thursday's Parker-Spitzer, and recommended that the network bring on more "articulate conservatives." The two ...
According to MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell, Michelle Obama "never said that she had not been proud of her country." The cable host on Friday disingenuously spun for the First Lady while reporting on a ...
On Friday's CBS Early Show, after news reader Erica Hill reported on Fox News host Bill O'Reilly's heated Thursday appearance on ABC's 'The View,' co-host Harry Smith proclaimed O'Reilly to be ...