
CBS's Dickerson Questions 'Claim' That California Judge in Prop 8 Ruling Openly Gay

During a discussion of California's Proposition 8 being overturned on CBS's Face the Nation on Sunday, fill-in host John Dickerson questioned Family Research Council President Tony Perkins's ...

ABC's Cokie Roberts Defends Michelle Obama's Spanish Vacation: 'What Real Difference Does It Make?'

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos and Cokie Roberts on Monday downplayed the potential bad PR Michelle Obama might suffer for taking a Spanish vacation costing $250,000. Roberts ...

Amanpour Elevates British Journalist Who Sees 'Culture of Hate' in U.S., Time to Divide Up Our 'Pie'

Christiane Amanpour elevated a liberal British journalist (Gillian Tett), with little U.S. television experience, to the This Week roundtable where she presumed the government must run the economy ...

USA Today's Neuharth Ridicules 'Ludicrous' and 'Laughable' Limbaugh

USA Today founder Al Neuharth used his weekly column on Friday to ridicule Rush Limbaugh, marking the 22nd anniversary of Limbaugh's national radio show by denouncing the conservative talk titan ...

ABC Hypes Michelle Obama's 'Lush,' Luxurious' Spanish Vacation, Hit Extravagance of Laura Bush

Good Morning America's Yunji de Nies on Friday touted Michelle Obama's "five-star," "luxurious" vacation to Spain, skipping any discussion of controversy over the $148,000 trip. In January of ...

Kagan's Confirmation Makes ABC and NBC as Giddy as Liberal Democrats

"History was made in this country today when the Senate confirmed Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court," declared NBC anchor Lester Holt as viewers were treated to a "Making History" on-screen ...

CNN's Rick Sanchez: Obsessed With Fox News, Beck, and Limbaugh

CNN anchor Rick Sanchez revisited his vendetta against Fox News, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh on Thursday's Rick's List. Sanchez brought on outgoing Representative Bob Inglis, who lost a primary ...

CBS 'Early Show' Ignores Accusations of Bias Against Judge Behind Prop 8 Ruling

While Thursday reports on both ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today featured Proposition 8 supporters questioning the impartiality of California Federal Judge Vaughn Walker's decision to ...

Today Show Invites on Rolling Stone Reporter to Complain About Pentagon Ban

NBC's Today show invited on the reporter, whose Rolling Stone article essentially got General Stanley McChrystal fired, on Thursday's show to complain that the Pentagon denied him an embed because ...

No Balance on ABC: Network Features Liberals When Prop 8 Was Passed and a Liberal When It's Overturned

On Thursday's Good Morning America, George Stephanopoulos sought out the reaction of liberal Slate correspondent Dahlia Lithwick to discuss Proposition 8. No conservative guest appeared in ...
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