
NBC's O'Donnell Casts GOP Primary Winner As a Sexist

Democratic Senator Michael Bennet got his own live spot on Wednesday's Today show to make his pitch to Colorado voters, but his Republican opponent only got a brief soundbite, that came after a ...

ABC's George Stephanopoulos Hits Michelle Malkin with White House Spin on Democratic Corruption

Conservative pundit Michelle Malkin made a rare appearance on Wednesday's Good Morning America and highlighted the issue of Democratic corruption. Co-host George Stephanopoulos responded to ...

Embarrassed Obama White House Social Secretary Lands Position Running Media Firm

Michael Calderone reported Tuesday afternoon on "The Upshot" Yahoo News blog: "Former White House social secretary Desirée Rogers has been named chief executive of Johnson Publishing Company, ...

Bill Weir, ABC's New Nightline Host: A Profile in Bias

ABC's Bill Weir debuted on Monday as the new co-anchor of Nightline. ABC President David Westin lauded Weir in July for conducting "some of our most innovative reporting." But, he may be better ...

CBS 'Early Show' Promotes Levi Johnston Pitch for Reality Show

Teasing an upcoming story in the 7:30AM ET half hour on Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith cheerfully promoted Levi Johnston's pitch for a reality show in Alaska: "He's going to star in ...

CNN's Fareed Zakaria Returns ADL Award in Protest to Position on Ground Zero Mosque

At the top of his eponymous program on Sunday, CNN's Fareed Zakaria took drastic action to protest the Anti-Defamation League's opposition to the proposed Ground Zero mosque. Zakaria, who was ...

CBS's Blackstone: Immigration Debate 'Boiling Over,' 'Often-Angry'

In a report on Arizona's immigration law for CBS's Sunday Morning, correspondent John Blackstone declared: "In the heat of the Arizona summer, America's long-simmering immigration debate is ...

Duplicitous ABC Advances Obama's Big Spending College Graduation Agenda

ABC on Monday night delivered an even shoddier than usual piece of advocacy for President Barack Obama in the guise of a news story, duplicity which started with fill-in anchor George ...

Hardball Panelist Whines: Townhallers Only Getting News from Limbaugh, Drudge and Fox News

NBC's Chuck Todd, substitute hosting for Chris Matthews on Monday's Hardball, invited on Vanity Fair's Todd Purdum and the Politico's Jonathan Martin to navel gaze about what ailed the political ...

'Nativist Impulse' Behind Conservative Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque, Says NYT Writer

New York Times political writer and columnist Matt Bai attacked as "nativist impulse" conservative protest against a mosque at Ground Zero and Republican attempts to deny citizenship to children ...
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